An experiment on breast cancer classification using tensorflow!
- Dataset of 7130 Benign and Malignant Cells
- Features extracted from InceptionResNetV2
- Lost Function:binary_crossentropy
- Optimizer:Adam
- File Description
- Breast_Cancer_Model_Creation.ipynb: Creates the model that classifies and gives TPR,FPR,ACC results
- DCM_File_Paths_Reduced.csv: Metadata
- Two halves
- Model_Loader.ipynb: Loads extracted models
- Feature_Extractor.ipynb: Model extractor for future use
- Paperspace (No installation + Click and Run)
- Manually (Requires dataset):
- The main file is Breast_Cancer_Model_Creation.ipynb
- Extract the dataset from tar and then you will be able to run all cells from there