A python script to display the images of a directory.
During go through the images it is possible to sort out unwanted images in a trash directory.
Required modules
You need an interpreter for python3 and the following modules:
- tkinter (pip install tkinter-page)
- os (should be pre installed with python)
- PIL (pip install pillow)
- 'Searched for' textbox: Define, for which image file endings you are searching.
-> pre filled with jpg, jpeg and png
-> for example you want to add 'gif', then write semicolon and 'gif' (result in textbox then 'jpg;png;jpeg;gif')
-> uppercase endings are included ('jpg' searches also for 'Jpg' and 'JPG')
- 'Directory' button: Opens a directory dialog. Choose your image directory. After choosing a directory
the running image number and the total image number of this directory is shown.
- '<' and '>' buttons: Click on it to go the previous or next image. Also you can use <Left> or <Right> keys.
- 'Delete' button: The actually choosed image will be moved to a 'trash' subdirectory in your actually choosen directory.
Also you can use <Delete> key.