Releases: ScreamingDev/magento-devMode
0.4.0 - I engineer
Until now the extension DevMode was only a time saver for developer but now it can also be a helpful tool for designer. Because this time a toolbox has been added to the frontend, which let's you easily navigate between the front and backend.
To make it even more comfortable you can now auto-login to the backend without any need of password or something.
For a quick overview read the changelog.
Install or use it via modman:
modman init . && modman clone [email protected]:sourcerer-mike/magento-devMode.git
or via Composer:
"require": {
"lemike/devmode": ">=0.4.0"
The Toolbox will reside in the frontend and is dragable so you can look behind it if needed.
It is filled with some options related to the module, controller or action you are watching.
As you can see it shows which shop, module, controller and action is used - very handy.
Links that will be everywhere:
- Clear the cache with just one click
- List the used layout handles
- Show what events have been dispatched and which observer fetched them
- Enable / Disable Inline-Translation
- Open the according Controller-File in your IDE
- Or jump right at the point where the used action is defined
Others that only appear on such pages:
- Catalog
- Category
- Jump to the current category in the backend
- Product
- Edit the product you see in the backend (direkt link)
- Category
- Cms
- Link to edit the current page in backend
New notifications
Notifications will warn you if the extension has no possibility to work correct or other issues.
Sometimes classes are already rewritten.
Auto-Login into backend
If you work local then it could help to login automatically to the backend.
Choose which user you want to be in the configuration:
Find new possibilities in the menu "Development" > "Core" > "Config".
Cron Jobs
In the backend you can see the current CronJobs from activated and registered modules.
See all observer and events
See which observer will handle what event.
Additional tricks
Shell Tools
The shell tools are about to change. There will be only one PHP file and a subfolder with every possible command you can run. It will look like php devmode.php core store list
and quit polluting your shell folder with plenty files.
See Magento CronJobs
$ php coreConfig_listCron.php
Alias | Expression | Class | Method |
core_clean_cache | 30 2 * * * | Mage_Core_Model_Observer | cleanCache |
log_clean | | Mage_Log_Model_Cron | logClean |
captcha_delete_old_attempts | */30 * * * * | Mage_Captcha_Model_Observer | deleteOldAttempts |
Alias: Node in the config.xml
Expression: When to run
Class: Used class
Method: Method to run
A list of all stores
% php devmode.php core store list
ID | Code | Website | Group | Name | Active |
1 | default | 1 | 1 | English | 1 |
3 | french | 1 | 1 | French | 1 |
2 | german | 1 | 1 | German | 1 |
Why "I engineer"? Animotion - I Engineer
Every release is an music title and this is truly for front-end engineers.
(see the others for more music)
0.3.0 - Number City
Every time it was raining cats 'n dogs I wrote some more lines for my extension.
By now I feel very satisfied with it because this really simplifies many things.
Especially changing the configuration on the fly is the best part of it.
Have fun coding!
Only allow restricted IPs
Magento can restrict IPs in System > Config > Devleoper
This can be inherited to LeMike_DevMode via System > Config > Developer Mode > General
Note: When Magento is in developer mode (Mage::getIsDeveloperMode()
) everyone is allowed.
Rerun setup scripts with a single click
You see the name, the cached version, the installed as in the database and the available filesystem version.
With an click on "Run setup again" the version will be set back to "0.0.0" and the config cache will be cleaned up.
See what rewrites you have via console: with php shell/coreConfig_rewrite.php
which will produce something like this:
magento/shell$ php coreConfig_listRewrites.php
Config path | New class
global/models/core/rewrite/email | LeMike_DevMode_Model_Core_Email
global/models/core/rewrite/email_template | LeMike_DevMode_Model_Core_Email_Template
global/models/core/rewrite/email_transport | LeMike_DevMode_Model_Core_Email_Transport
global/models/tax/rewrite/config | FireGento_GermanSetup_Model_Tax_Config
global/blocks/customer/rewrite/account_navigation | Webguys_CustomerNavigation_Block_Account_Navigation
Or take a look in the backend by the menu Development > Core > Config
to see a table with the current rewrites.
Look up a PHP-Info in Development > Core > PHP
if you want to know what the environment says.
Change the config on the fly
Imagine the config dev/translate_inline/active
Enable it with foo.html?__dev__translate_inline__active=1
Note: A prefix is added and the slashes became the same. Think about a JavaScript Bookmark to enable this even faster.
Power of the documentation
- Use it for release notes
- Generate a manual
- Have something to read in GitHub
- Use it as presentation in no time
Within the doc folder you find some helpful scripts:
- - will generate a Manual.pdf
- makePresentation.php - will create a reveal.js presentation
Note: This is all generated by using the MD
To make this possible the MD must have this:
- Double-New-Line to let it be a new slide (e.g. above headings)
- "Note: " as prefix for paragraphs that shall be a note in presentation.
- A limit of 5 bullets or one image per slide.
- Clean structure and short sentences.
Why "Number City"? - Coheed and Cambria - Number City
Because this release goes deep in the core of Magento which is filled with numbers and magic.
Every minor version is a music title so check the others for more music.
What do you think?
Use it, test it and leave a reply.
I hope this speed up your development and makes it much more easier.
Master of puppets
Used events with their observers can be seen by adding "?__events" to URL.
The output then will look like that:
Array (
[global] => Array (
[resource_get_tablename] =>
[core_collection_abstract_load_before] =>
[core_collection_abstract_load_after] =>
[controller_front_init_before] =>
[controller_front_init_routers] => Array (
[observers] => Array (
[cms] => Array (
[type] =>
[model] => Mage_Cms_Controller_Router
[method] => initControllerRouters
[args] => Array ( )
New options tab for manipulating customer
Here you can add a master password to login any customer account:
It needs to be over 6 characters and will be displayed as is.
- Added Readme, Contribution guidelines and License as markdown in root folder (#17)
- Manual, Presentation and Documentation can be generated from source. (#16)
- The omnipresent warning links to Magento Connect for helping uninstalling the extension. (#12)
Support for this version will run out on 2013-11-25.
Why "Master of puppets"? - Metallica - Master of puppets
Because this release gives you control over several things.
Every minor version is named like that so check the others for more music.
New beginnings
With the first version of DevMode you can delete stuff and sanitize it.
- Delete all orders
- Delete all products
- Delete all Customer
- Sanitize Product Stock
Why "New beginnings"? - Finch - New beginnings
Because this release is the first and where I begin another extension.
Every minor version is like that so check the others for more music.