##20151206: Consolidate before books and play samples into single repository
[Play 2 Sample1] (https://github.com/ScottHuangZL/LearningScala/blob/master/sample/Scala_Play2_Sample/readme.md)
[Book - Akka 2.4.1](https://github.com/ScottHuangZL/LearningScala/blob/master/book/AkkaScala 2.4.1.pdf)
Add two more useful video links:
- [Scala Days 2015 - Anatomy Modern Play Application] (https://www.parleys.com/tutorial/anatomy-modern-play-application) Quite good video to show you some proposals when write play web projects.
- [Scala Days 2015 - Whirlwind Tour Scala Ecosystem] (https://www.parleys.com/tutorial/whirlwind-tour-scala-ecosystem)
##20151205: Add some useful video links for learn Scala
- [Building Reactive Apps with Play Framework, Akka, and Scala on Vimeo] (https://vimeo.com/78892176) Give you the impression of reactive apps
- [Effective Scala on Vimeo] (https://vimeo.com/53061499) Introduce some rules
- [Scalaz Presentation] (https://vimeo.com/10482466) Good video to show the details for refactor your program and use implicts
- [Thinking Functionally on Vimeo] (https://vimeo.com/28105411)
- [Live Coding ScalaJS, SF Scala 28 Feb 2014 on Vimeo] (https://vimeo.com/87845442)
- [Scala.js: Safety & Sanity in the Wild West of the Web on Vimeo] (https://vimeo.com/124702603)
- [High Wizardry in the Land of Scala on Vimeo] (https://vimeo.com/27592622)
- [Scala Days 2015] (https://www.parleys.com/channel/scala-days-san-francisco-2015)
- [Scala Days 2015 - Under hood scala implicts] (https://www.parleys.com/tutorial/under-hood-scala-implicits)
- [What Does Monad Mean? on Vimeo] (https://vimeo.com/8729673)
- [GeeCON 2012: Bruce Eckel] (https://vimeo.com/53322690)
##20151204: Upload 3 books about Scala play2.4 and slick3.1.
The contents from typesafe online help.
Scott pay effort to consolidate and convert to PDF format for easy reading.