Public repository for the Health Genesis project.
This repository contains the source code for Health Genesis - a project created during the ONC Blockchain Code-a-thon March 14/15 2017. The goal of the Health Genesis project is to show how medical records can be shared using blockchain technology:
Identity Management is handled via public key cryptography
Authentication of identities is handled via digital signatures
Authorization of access to medical records is handled via smart contracts linking identities to URI based resources and verified by a resource servers.
This architecture generalizes identity management so the same model can be used by patients, providers and computer systems. It also generalizes access to URI based resources and can be easily integrated with modern standards such as HL7 FHIR, DICOMweb and future resource based protocols such as IPFS.
OHIF Viewer
shareApp - A meteor based web application that allows health system staff to query for a patient's medical images and share them with another identity. The identity could be a patient, provider or computer system.
phrApp - A meteor based web application that allows patients to register, view resources shared with them and launch a medical image viewer to view those images.
viewerApp - A fork of the OHIFViewer that integrates ethereum based identity management to sign requests for resources they have access to.
authProxy - A meteor based application that acts as a HTTP proxy to a DICOMWeb server including authentication and authorization by veriying digital signatures and resource authroziation grants stored in the ethereum blockchain.
A demo version of Health Genesis can be instantiated as a set of Docker containers. This system will be composed of one or more ethereum geth nodes, the eth-netstats dashboard, the Orthanc image archive, a mongo database instance and the four Health Genesis applications.
This section will describe the process for creating the Health Genesis demo system form the supplied source.
System Prerequisites:
bash: Installation automation is provided as a set of bash scripts.
Meteor.js: The Health Genesis applications are built on the Meteor.js framework. Meteor is installed to provide for the application bundling process.
Node.js: Meteor.js and the Health Genesis applications require Node.js
Docker: Docker is used as a local deployment and orchestration system.
Steps to Deploy the System:
Bundle the Health Genesis applications for deployment by running the bash script named "" that is found in the root of the Health Genesis source directory.
Create the base ethereum and meteor images by running the command
docker-compose -f base.yml build
in the root of the Health Genesis source directory.
Deploy the Health Genesis system by running the command
docker-compose up -d
in the root of the Health Genesis source directory.
Complete the installation by running the script named "" This script will start the ethereum block chain mining and install sample image data from the The Cancer Imaging Archive (funded by NIH).
Add an entry to your hosts file to point auth-proxy to localhost.
Make sure you have the Metamask extension installed ( in chrome and create two accounts (account A and account B). The keystore files for ten unique accounts are available in ./files/keystore and can be imported into metamask.
Open the shareApp web app: http://localhost:3030
Click "Register". Enter the code "topsecret" and press submit. Confirm the transaction
Press "Search". You should see a single DICOM Study appear
Click "Share". Enter the address for ethereum account B, press submit
Open another tab to the phrApp: http://localhost:3020
Select metamask account b, press Register. Confirm the transaction
You should see an entry in the table representing the share made in step 4
Click "View Images". The Image Viewer should appear with a button in upper left corner labled "Sign". Press sign and confirm the transaction
You should now see images!
NOTE: This needs to be updated/finished
console 1:
cd shareApp
meteor npm install
console 2:
cd phrApp
meteor npm install
rm node_modules/crypto
meteor --port 3100
console 3:
cd authProxy
meteor npm install
PROXIED_SERVER= meteor --port 3001
Note that port 4444 is ignored here. The actual port to use to connect to Orthanc is 9042.