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All working although precision is less good than ODE.jl solvers.
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mauro3 committed Apr 20, 2015
1 parent dddc8aa commit 7d11832
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Showing 3 changed files with 109 additions and 159 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ODE.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ function hinit(F, x0, t0, tdir, p, reltol, abstol)
pow = -(2. + log10(max(d1, d2)))/(p + 1.)
h1 = 10.^pow
h = min(100*h0, h1), f0
h = tdir*min(100*h0, h1), f0

Expand Down
231 changes: 89 additions & 142 deletions src/runge_kutta.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ function TableauExplicit{T}(name::Symbol, order::(Int...),
a::Matrix{T}, b::Matrix{T}, c::Vector{T})
TableauExplicit{name,length(c),T}(order, a, b, c)
function TableauExplicit(name::Symbol, order::(Int...), T,
function TableauExplicit(name::Symbol, order::(Int...), T::Type,
a::Matrix, b::Matrix, c::Vector)
TableauExplicit{name,length(c),T}(order, convert(Matrix{T},a),
convert(Matrix{T},b), convert(Vector{T},c) )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,11 +132,12 @@ bt_feh78 = TableauExplicit(:feh78, (7,8), Float64,
3//205 0 0 0 0 -6//41 -3//205 -3//41 3//41 6//41 0 0 0
-1777//4100 0 0 -341//164 4496//1025 -289//82 2193//4100 51//82 33//164 12//41 0 1 0],
[41//840 0 0 0 0 34//105 9//35 9//35 9//280 9//280 41//840 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 34//105 9//35 9//35 9//280 9//280 0 41//840 41//840],
[0//1, 2//27, 1//9 , 1//6 , 5//12, 1//2 , 5//6 , 1//6 , 2//3 , 1//3 , 1//1 , 0//1 , 1//1]
0 0 0 0 0 34//105 9//35 9//35 9//280 9//280 0 41//840 41//840],
[0, 2//27, 1//9, 1//6 , 5//12, 1//2 , 5//6 , 1//6 , 2//3 , 1//3 , 1 , 0, 1]

# make a Runge-Kutta method for a given Butcher tableau. Follows
# Hairer & Wanner 1992 p.134, p.165-169
export oderk_fixed, oderk_adapt
Expand All @@ -152,6 +153,9 @@ function transformys{T}(ys::Array{T})

# returns if t1 is before or at t2 (in direction of integration tdir)
before(t1, t2, tdir) = tdir*t1 < tdir*t2

# Fixed step Runge-Kutta method
# TODO: iterator method
function oderk_fixed{N,S,T}(fn, y0, tspan::AbstractVector,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,10 +189,13 @@ function calc_next_k!{N,S,T}(ks::Matrix, ytmp::Vector, s, fn, t, dt, dof, btab::
# - ks and ytmp are modified inside this function.
# TODO: allow reuse as in Dormand-Price
# TODO: calculate all k in one go
# - allow reuse as in Dormand-Price
# - calculate all k in one go
# - k as vector of vector
for ss=1:s-1
for d=1:dof
#@show dt*ks[d,ss] * btab.a[s,ss]
ytmp[d] += dt * ks[d,ss] * btab.a[s,ss]
Expand All @@ -214,7 +221,7 @@ function oderk_adapt{N,S,T}(fn, y0, tspan, btab::TableauExplicit{N,S,T};

# TODO: fix magic numbers
const large = 1.0e5
const facmax = 1.0e5
facmax = large
order = minimum(btab.order)

## Initialization
Expand All @@ -227,44 +234,48 @@ function oderk_adapt{N,S,T}(fn, y0, tspan, btab::TableauExplicit{N,S,T};
# If tspan is a more than a length two vector: return solution at
# those points only
tstepsgiven = length(tspan)>2
ntspan = length(tspan)

if tstepsgiven
ys = zeros(T, dof, ntspan)
nsteps = length(tspan)
ys = zeros(T, dof, nsteps)
ys[:,1] = y0
y0 = ys[:,1] # now of right type
iter = 1 # the index into tspan
ys = zeros(T, dof)
ys[:] = y0
y0 = ys[:] # now of right type
tspan = [tstart]
# TODO check this makes a difference:
# TODO check that this makes a difference:
sizehint_size = 100
sizehint(tspan, sizehint_size)
sizehint(ys, sizehint_size)
# work arrays:
yold = copy(y0)
# Initialize work arrays:
y = copy(y0) # the y at current time t
ytrial = zeros(T, dof)
yerr = zeros(T, dof)
ks = zeros(T, dof, S)
ytmp = zeros(T, dof)

# Should it be maximum(order(btab)) or minimum(order(btab)):
# Initialize time:
tdir = sign(tend-tstart)
dt, f0 = hinit(fn, y0, tstart, tdir, order, reltol, abstol)
if initstep == 0.
# initial guess at a step size
dt, f0 = hinit(fn, y0, tstart, tdir, order, reltol, abstol)
dt = sign(initstep)==tdir ? initstep : error("initstep has wrong sign.")
# Diagnostics
dts = Float64[]
errs = Float64[]
iter = 1
steps = [0,0] # [accepted, rejected]

while tdir*t < tdir*tend
println(" ")
# do a step
laststep = false
while true
# do one step
ytrial[:] = 0
yerr[:] = 0
for s=1:S
ytmp[:] = yold # needed for calc_next_k!
ytmp[:] = y # needed for calc_next_k!
calc_next_k!(ks, ytmp, s, fn, t, dt, dof, btab)
for d=1:dof
ytrial[d] += btab.b[1,s]*ks[d,s]
Expand All @@ -273,110 +284,101 @@ function oderk_adapt{N,S,T}(fn, y0, tspan, btab::TableauExplicit{N,S,T};
for d=1:dof
yerr[d] = dt * (ytrial[d]-yerr[d])
ytrial[d] = yold[d] + dt * ytrial[d]
ytrial[d] = y[d] + dt * ytrial[d]

# dt = diff(tspan)[1]

# iter += 1

# ys[:,iter]= ytrial

# tmp = yold
# yold = ytrial
# ytrial = tmp

# # update t
# t += dt
# if abs(tend-t-dt)<0.05*dt #tdir*(t+dt) > tdir*(tend + dt*0.01)
# @show dt = tend-t + eps(tend)
# end
# steps[1] +=1
# continue
# find a new step size:
err, newdt = stepsize_ODE(dt, tdir, yold, ytrial, yerr,

# Check error and find a new step size:
err, newdt = stepsize_hw92(dt, tdir, y, ytrial, yerr,
abstol, reltol, order, facmax, dof,
@show err
if err<=1.
@show "inc", newdt-dt, dt
steps[1] +=1

if err<=1.0
# diagnostics
steps[1] +=1
push!(dts, dt)
push!(errs, err)

# Output:
if tstepsgiven
# interpolate onto given output points
f0 = ks[:,1]
f1 = fn(t+dt, ytrial)
while iter<ntspan && tspan[iter+1]<=t+dt # output at all new times which are ≤ t+dt
f1 = fn(t+dt, ytrial) # TODO: this could be used in next step
while iter<nsteps && tdir*tspan[iter+1]<=tdir*(t+dt) # output at all new times which are ≤ t+dt
iter += 1
ys[:,iter] = hermite_interp(tspan[iter], t, dt, yold, ytrial, f0, f1)
# ys[:,iter] = hermite_interp(tspan[iter], t, dt,
# y, ytrial, f0, f1)
hermite_interp!(ys, iter, tspan[iter], t, dt,
y, ytrial, f0, f1)
# output every step
append!(ys, ytrial)
push!(tspan, t+dt)
# Break if this was the last step:
if laststep

# Swap bindings of yold and ytrial, avoids one copy
tmp = yold
yold = ytrial
# Swap bindings of y and ytrial, avoids one copy
tmp = y
y = ytrial
ytrial = tmp

# update t
# Update t to the time at the end of current step:
t += dt
dt = newdt
# hit end point exactly if close:
if abs(tend-(t+dt))/dt < 0.05
dt = tend-t + eps(tend) # eps to make sure while loop terminates after next iteration

# Hit end point exactly if within 1% of end:
if !before(t+dt*1.01, tend, tdir)
dt = tend-t
laststep = true # next step is the last, if it succeeds

push!(dts, dt)
push!(errs, err)
facmax = large
elseif abs(dt)<minstep # minimum step size reached
@show length(ys), t, dt
println("Warning: dt < minstep. Stopping.")
else # redo step with smaller dt
@show "dec", newdt-dt, dt
laststep = false
steps[2] +=1
dt = newdt
facmax = 1.0 # forbids dt increases in the next step
# TODO: make that several steps
if tstepsgiven
ys = reshape(ys, dof, ntspan)
ys = reshape(ys, dof, nsteps)
# xerrs = reshape(xerrs, dof, length(dts))
@show steps
@show errs
return tspan, transformys(ys)
ode45_v2(fn, y0, tspan; kwargs...) = oderk_adapt(fn, y0, tspan, bt_rk45, kwargs...)
ode54_v2(fn, y0, tspan; kwargs...) = oderk_adapt(fn, y0, tspan, bt_dopri5, kwargs...)
ode78_v2(fn, y0, tspan; kwargs...) = oderk_adapt(fn, y0, tspan, bt_feh78, kwargs...)
ode45_v2(fn, y0, tspan; kwargs...) = oderk_adapt(fn, y0, tspan, bt_rk45; kwargs...)
ode54_v2(fn, y0, tspan; kwargs...) = oderk_adapt(fn, y0, tspan, bt_dopri5; kwargs...)
ode78_v2(fn, y0, tspan; kwargs...) = oderk_adapt(fn, y0, tspan, bt_feh78; kwargs...)

# Helper functions:
function stepsize_hw92(dt, tdir, x0, xtrial, xerr, abstol, reltol, order,
facmax, dof, maxstep)
facmax, dof, maxstep)
# Estimates new best step size following
# Hairer & Wanner 1992, p167 (with some modifications)

# TODO: parameters to lift out of this function
fac = [0.8, 0.9, 0.25^(1/(order+1)), 0.38^(1/(order+1))][2]
fac = [0.8, 0.9, 0.25^(1/(order+1)), 0.38^(1/(order+1))][1]
facmax_def = 2.0 # maximal step size increase. 1.5-5
facmax = min(facmax_def, facmax)
facmin = 1./facmax_def # maximal step size decrease. ?

any(isnan(xtrial)) && return 10., dt*facmin

# figure out a new step size
tol = abstol + max(abs(x0), abs(xtrial)).*reltol # 4.10
# err = sqrt(1/dof * sum((xerr./tol).^2) ) # 4.11
err = norm(xerr./tol,Inf ) # 4.11
err = sqrt(1/dof * sum((xerr./tol).^2) ) # 4.11
#err = norm(xerr./tol,Inf ) # 4.11

newdt = dt * min(facmax, max(facmin, fac*(1/err)^(1/(order+1))))
return err, min(newdt, maxstep) # this doesn't work with negative steps!
return err, tdir*min(tdir*newdt, maxstep)

function stepsize_wh96(dt, tdir, x0, xtrial, xerr, abstol, reltol, order,
Expand All @@ -399,7 +401,8 @@ function stepsize_wh96(dt, tdir, x0, xtrial, xerr, abstol, reltol, order,
err = maximum(abs(xerr./tol))
# e = 0.9*(1/err)^(1/(order+1))
# @show e

# TODO maxstep
return err, min( dt * min(c1, max(c2, c3*(1/err)^(1/(order+1))) ), maxstep)

Expand All @@ -417,77 +420,21 @@ function stepsize_ODE(dt, tdir, x0, xtrial, xerr, abstol, reltol, order,

# For dense output see Hairer & Wanner p.190 using Hermite interpolation
function hermite_interp(tquery, t,dt,y0,y1,f0,f1)
function hermite_interp(tquery,t,dt,y0,y1,f0,f1)
# f_0 = f(x_0 , y_0) , f_1 = f(x_0 + h, y_1 )
# this is O(3). TODO for higher order.
theta = (tquery-t)/dt
return (1-theta)*y0 + theta*y1 + theta*(theta-1) *
((1-2*theta)*(y1-y0) + (theta-1)*dt*f0 + theta*dt*f1)

# function calc_ks{N,S,T}(fn, t0, y0::Vector, dt, btab::TableauExplicit{N,S,T})
# # calculate all k[stage, dof]
# dof = length(y0)
# ks = zeros(T, S, dof)
# for i=1:S
# a = zeros(T,dof)
# for j=1:i-1
# for d =1:dof
# a[d] += btab.a[i,j]*ks[j,d]
# end
# end
# ks[i,:] = fn(t0 + dt*btab.c[i], y0 + dt*a)
# end
# return ks
# end

# function rkstep_naive{N,S,T}(fn, t0, y0::Number, dt, btab::TableauExplicit{N,S,T})
# # Does an S-stage explicit Runge-Kutta step for RHS f(t,y)
# #
# # Only for scalar problems

# ks = calc_ks(fn, t0, [y0], dt, btab)
# y = zero(T)
# for i=1:S
# y += btab.b[1,i]*ks[i]
# end
# return y0 + dt*y
# end

# function rkstep_naive{N,S,T}(fn, t0, y0::Vector, dt, btab::TableauExplicit{N,S,T})
# # Does an S-stage explicit Runge-Kutta step for RHS f(t,y)
# #
# # For vector problems

# ks = calc_ks(fn, t0, y0, dt, btab)

# dof = length(y0)
# y = zeros(T,dof)
# for d=1:dof
# for i=1:S
# y[d] += btab.b[1,i].*ks[i,d]
# end
# end
# return y0 + dt*y
# end

# function rkstep_embedded_naive{N,S,T}(fn, t0, y0::Vector, dt, btab::TableauExplicit{N,S,T})
# # Does an S-stage explicit Runge-Kutta step for RHS f(t,y)
# #
# # For vector problems. Returns y and an error estimate

# ks = calc_ks(fn, t0, y0, dt, btab)

# dof = length(y0)
# y = zeros(T,dof)
# yerr = zeros(T,dof)
# for d=1:dof
# for i=1:S
# y[d] += btab.b[1,i].*ks[i,d]
# yerr[d] += btab.b[2,i].*ks[i,d]
# end
# end
# return y0 .+ dt*y, dt*(y-yerr), squeeze(ks[1,:],1) # this is f0
# end

function hermite_interp!(ys, iter, tquery,t,dt,y0,y1,f0,f1)
# f_0 = f(x_0 , y_0) , f_1 = f(x_0 + h, y_1 )
# this is O(3). TODO for higher order.
theta = (tquery-t)/dt
for i=1:length(y0)
ys[i,iter] = ((1-theta)*y0[i] + theta*y1[i] + theta*(theta-1) *
((1-2*theta)*(y1[i]-y0[i]) + (theta-1)*dt*f0[i] + theta*dt*f1[i]) )

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