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Implementation of a Trust-Region solver
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ChrisRackauckas authored Jan 11, 2023
2 parents 13b5daf + 36a3f3c commit 39db733
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Showing 4 changed files with 281 additions and 4 deletions.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion lib/SimpleNonlinearSolve/src/SimpleNonlinearSolve.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ include("raphson.jl")

import SnoopPrecompile

Expand All @@ -30,6 +31,10 @@ SnoopPrecompile.@precompile_all_calls begin for T in (Float32, Float64)
solve(prob_no_brack, alg(), tol = T(1e-2))

for alg in (TrustRegion(10.0),)
solve(prob_no_brack, alg, tol = T(1e-2))

for alg in (SimpleNewtonRaphson,)
for u0 in ([1., 1.], StaticArraysCore.SA[1.0, 1.0])
Expand All @@ -47,6 +52,6 @@ SnoopPrecompile.@precompile_all_calls begin for T in (Float32, Float64)
end end

# DiffEq styled algorithms
export Bisection, Broyden, Falsi, Klement, SimpleNewtonRaphson
export Bisection, Broyden, Falsi, Klement, SimpleNewtonRaphson, TrustRegion

end # module
174 changes: 174 additions & 0 deletions lib/SimpleNonlinearSolve/src/trustRegion.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
TrustRegion(max_trust_radius::Number; chunk_size = Val{0}(),
autodiff = Val{true}(), diff_type = Val{:forward})
A low-overhead implementation of a
### Arguments
- `max_trust_radius`: the maximum radius of the trust region. The step size in the algorithm
will change dynamically. However, it will never be greater than the `max_trust_radius`.
### Keyword Arguments
- `chunk_size`: the chunk size used by the internal ForwardDiff.jl automatic differentiation
system. This allows for multiple derivative columns to be computed simultaneously,
improving performance. Defaults to `0`, which is equivalent to using ForwardDiff.jl's
default chunk size mechanism. For more details, see the documentation for
- `autodiff`: whether to use forward-mode automatic differentiation for the Jacobian.
Note that this argument is ignored if an analytical Jacobian is passed; as that will be
used instead. Defaults to `Val{true}`, which means ForwardDiff.jl is used by default.
If `Val{false}`, then FiniteDiff.jl is used for finite differencing.
- `diff_type`: the type of finite differencing used if `autodiff = false`. Defaults to
`Val{:forward}` for forward finite differences. For more details on the choices, see the
[FiniteDiff.jl]( documentation.
- `initial_trust_radius`: the initial trust region radius. Defaults to
`max_trust_radius / 11`.
- `step_threshold`: the threshold for taking a step. In every iteration, the threshold is
compared with a value `r`, which is the actual reduction in the objective function divided
by the predicted reduction. If `step_threshold > r` the model is not a good approximation,
and the step is rejected. Defaults to `0.1`. For more details, see
[Trust-region methods](
- `shrink_threshold`: the threshold for shrinking the trust region radius. In every
iteration, the threshold is compared with a value `r` which is the actual reduction in the
objective function divided by the predicted reduction. If `shrink_threshold > r` the trust
region radius is shrunk by `shrink_factor`. Defaults to `0.25`. For more details, see
[Trust-region methods](
- `expand_threshold`: the threshold for expanding the trust region radius. If a step is
taken, i.e `step_threshold < r` (with `r` defined in `shrink_threshold`), a check is also
made to see if `expand_threshold < r`. If that is true, the trust region radius is
expanded by `expand_factor`. Defaults to `0.75`.
- `shrink_factor`: the factor to shrink the trust region radius with if
`shrink_threshold > r` (with `r` defined in `shrink_threshold`). Defaults to `0.25`.
- `expand_factor`: the factor to expand the trust region radius with if
`expand_threshold < r` (with `r` defined in `shrink_threshold`). Defaults to `2.0`.
- `max_shrink_times`: the maximum number of times to shrink the trust region radius in a
row, `max_shrink_times` is exceeded, the algorithm returns. Defaults to `32`.
struct TrustRegion{CS, AD, FDT} <: AbstractNewtonAlgorithm{CS, AD, FDT}
function TrustRegion(max_trust_radius::Number; chunk_size = Val{0}(),
autodiff = Val{true}(),
diff_type = Val{:forward},
initial_trust_radius::Number = max_trust_radius / 11,
step_threshold::Number = 0.1,
shrink_threshold::Number = 0.25,
expand_threshold::Number = 0.75,
shrink_factor::Number = 0.25,
expand_factor::Number = 2.0,
max_shrink_times::Int = 32)
new{SciMLBase._unwrap_val(chunk_size), SciMLBase._unwrap_val(autodiff),
SciMLBase._unwrap_val(diff_type)}(max_trust_radius, initial_trust_radius,
shrink_threshold, expand_threshold,
expand_factor, max_shrink_times)

function SciMLBase.solve(prob::NonlinearProblem,
alg::TrustRegion, args...; abstol = nothing,
reltol = nothing,
maxiters = 1000, kwargs...)
f = Base.Fix2(prob.f, prob.p)
x = float(prob.u0)
T = typeof(x)
Δₘₐₓ = float(alg.max_trust_radius)
Δ = float(alg.initial_trust_radius)
η₁ = float(alg.step_threshold)
η₂ = float(alg.shrink_threshold)
η₃ = float(alg.expand_threshold)
t₁ = float(alg.shrink_factor)
t₂ = float(alg.expand_factor)
max_shrink_times = alg.max_shrink_times

if SciMLBase.isinplace(prob)
error("TrustRegion currently only supports out-of-place nonlinear problems")

atol = abstol !== nothing ? abstol :
real(oneunit(eltype(T))) * (eps(real(one(eltype(T)))))^(4 // 5)
rtol = reltol !== nothing ? reltol : eps(real(one(eltype(T))))^(4 // 5)

if alg_autodiff(alg)
F, ∇f = value_derivative(f, x)
elseif x isa AbstractArray
F = f(x)
∇f = FiniteDiff.finite_difference_jacobian(f, x, diff_type(alg), eltype(x), F)
F = f(x)
∇f = FiniteDiff.finite_difference_derivative(f, x, diff_type(alg), eltype(x), F)

fₖ = 0.5 * norm(F)^2
H = ∇f * ∇f
g = ∇f * F
shrink_counter = 0

for k in 1:maxiters
# Solve the trust region subproblem.
δ = dogleg_method(H, g, Δ)
xₖ₊₁ = x + δ
Fₖ₊₁ = f(xₖ₊₁)
fₖ₊₁ = 0.5 * norm(Fₖ₊₁)^2

# Compute the ratio of the actual to predicted reduction.
model = -' * g + 0.5 * δ' * H * δ)
r = model \ (fₖ - fₖ₊₁)

# Update the trust region radius.
if r < η₂
Δ = t₁ * Δ
shrink_counter += 1
if shrink_counter > max_shrink_times
return SciMLBase.build_solution(prob, alg, x, F;
retcode = ReturnCode.Success)
shrink_counter = 0
if r > η₁
if isapprox(xₖ₊₁, x, atol = atol, rtol = rtol)
return SciMLBase.build_solution(prob, alg, xₖ₊₁, Fₖ₊₁;
retcode = ReturnCode.Success)
# Take the step.
x = xₖ₊₁
F = Fₖ₊₁
if alg_autodiff(alg)
F, ∇f = value_derivative(f, x)
elseif x isa AbstractArray
∇f = FiniteDiff.finite_difference_jacobian(f, x, diff_type(alg), eltype(x),
∇f = FiniteDiff.finite_difference_derivative(f, x, diff_type(alg),

iszero(F) &&
return SciMLBase.build_solution(prob, alg, x, F;
retcode = ReturnCode.Success)

# Update the trust region radius.
if r > η₃ && norm(δ) Δ
Δ = min(t₂ * Δ, Δₘₐₓ)
fₖ = fₖ₊₁
H = ∇f * ∇f
g = ∇f * F
return SciMLBase.build_solution(prob, alg, x, F; retcode = ReturnCode.MaxIters)
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions lib/SimpleNonlinearSolve/src/utils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,3 +43,28 @@ function init_J(x)
return J

function dogleg_method(H, g, Δ)
# Compute the Newton step.
δN = -H \ g
# Test if the full step is within the trust region.
if norm(δN) Δ
return δN

# Calcualte Cauchy point, optimum along the steepest descent direction.
δsd = -g
norm_δsd = norm(δsd)
if norm_δsd Δ
return δsd .* Δ / norm_δsd

# Find the intersection point on the boundary.
δN_δsd = δN - δsd
dot_δN_δsd = dot(δN_δsd, δN_δsd)
dot_δsd_δN_δsd = dot(δsd, δN_δsd)
dot_δsd = dot(δsd, δsd)
fact = dot_δsd_δN_δsd^2 - dot_δN_δsd * (dot_δsd - Δ^2)
tau = (-dot_δsd_δN_δsd + sqrt(fact)) / dot_δN_δsd
return δsd + tau * δN_δsd
79 changes: 76 additions & 3 deletions lib/SimpleNonlinearSolve/test/basictests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,13 +46,24 @@ sol = benchmark_scalar(sf, csu0)
@test sol.u * sol.u - 2 < 1e-9
@test (@ballocated benchmark_scalar(sf, csu0)) == 0

# TrustRegion
function benchmark_scalar(f, u0)
probN = NonlinearProblem{false}(f, u0)
sol = (solve(probN, TrustRegion(10.0)))

sol = benchmark_scalar(sf, csu0)
@test sol.retcode === ReturnCode.Success
@test sol.u * sol.u - 2 < 1e-9

# AD Tests
using ForwardDiff

# Immutable
f, u0 = (u, p) -> u .* u .- p, @SVector[1.0, 1.0]

for alg in [SimpleNewtonRaphson(), Broyden(), Klement()]
for alg in [SimpleNewtonRaphson(), Broyden(), Klement(),
g = function (p)
probN = NonlinearProblem{false}(f, csu0, p)
sol = solve(probN, alg, tol = 1e-9)
Expand All @@ -67,7 +78,8 @@ end

# Scalar
f, u0 = (u, p) -> u * u - p, 1.0
for alg in [SimpleNewtonRaphson(), Broyden(), Klement()]
for alg in [SimpleNewtonRaphson(), Broyden(), Klement(),
g = function (p)
probN = NonlinearProblem{false}(f, oftype(p, u0), p)
sol = solve(probN, alg)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,7 +120,8 @@ for alg in [Bisection(), Falsi()]
@test ForwardDiff.jacobian(g, p) ForwardDiff.jacobian(t, p)

for alg in [SimpleNewtonRaphson(), Broyden(), Klement()]
for alg in [SimpleNewtonRaphson(), Broyden(), Klement(),
global g, p
g = function (p)
probN = NonlinearProblem{false}(f, 0.5, p)
Expand All @@ -128,6 +141,11 @@ probN = NonlinearProblem(f, u0)
@test solve(probN, SimpleNewtonRaphson(; autodiff = false)).u[end] sqrt(2.0)
@test solve(probN, SimpleNewtonRaphson(; autodiff = false)).u[end] sqrt(2.0)

@test solve(probN, TrustRegion(10.0)).u[end] sqrt(2.0)
@test solve(probN, TrustRegion(10.0); immutable = false).u[end] sqrt(2.0)
@test solve(probN, TrustRegion(10.0; autodiff = false)).u[end] sqrt(2.0)
@test solve(probN, TrustRegion(10.0; autodiff = false)).u[end] sqrt(2.0)

@test solve(probN, Broyden()).u[end] sqrt(2.0)
@test solve(probN, Broyden(); immutable = false).u[end] sqrt(2.0)

Expand All @@ -144,6 +162,10 @@ for u0 in [1.0, [1, 1.0]]
@test solve(probN, SimpleNewtonRaphson()).u sol
@test solve(probN, SimpleNewtonRaphson(; autodiff = false)).u sol

@test solve(probN, TrustRegion(10.0)).u sol
@test solve(probN, TrustRegion(10.0)).u sol
@test solve(probN, TrustRegion(10.0; autodiff = false)).u sol

@test solve(probN, Broyden()).u sol

@test solve(probN, Klement()).u sol
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,3 +207,54 @@ sol = solve(probB, Bisection(; exact_left = true, exact_right = true); immutable
@test f(nextfloat(sol.left), nothing) >= 0.0
@test f(sol.right, nothing) >= 0.0
@test f(prevfloat(sol.right), nothing) <= 0.0

# Test that `TrustRegion` passes a test that `SimpleNewtonRaphson` fails on.
u0 = [-10.0, -1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 10.0]
global g, f
f = (u, p) -> 0.010000000000000002 .+
10.000000000000002 ./ (1 .+
(0.21640425613334457 .+
216.40425613334457 ./ (1 .+
(0.21640425613334457 .+
216.40425613334457 ./
(1 .+ 0.0006250000000000001(u .^ 2.0))) .^ 2.0)) .^ 2.0) .-
g = function (p)
probN = NonlinearProblem{false}(f, u0, p)
sol = solve(probN, TrustRegion(100.0))
return sol.u
p = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
u = g(p)
f(u, p)
@test all(f(u, p) .< 1e-10)

# Test kwars in `TrustRegion`
max_trust_radius = [10.0, 100.0, 1000.0]
initial_trust_radius = [10.0, 1.0, 0.1]
step_threshold = [0.0, 0.01, 0.25]
shrink_threshold = [0.25, 0.3, 0.5]
expand_threshold = [0.5, 0.8, 0.9]
shrink_factor = [0.1, 0.3, 0.5]
expand_factor = [1.5, 2.0, 3.0]
max_shrink_times = [10, 20, 30]

list_of_options = zip(max_trust_radius, initial_trust_radius, step_threshold,
shrink_threshold, expand_threshold, shrink_factor,
expand_factor, max_shrink_times)
for options in list_of_options
local probN, sol, alg
alg = TrustRegion(options[1];
initial_trust_radius = options[2],
step_threshold = options[3],
shrink_threshold = options[4],
expand_threshold = options[5],
shrink_factor = options[6],
expand_factor = options[7],
max_shrink_times = options[8])

probN = NonlinearProblem(f, u0, p)
sol = solve(probN, alg)
@test all(f(u, p) .< 1e-10)

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