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Setting up the frontpage requires some time. Please take a good look at the forum topic mentioned above and the (high level) instructions below. It will take some time and a lot of trial and error but it is definitely worth it!
copy the files from the frontpage map to domoticz/www so the frontpage.html and the subfolders file needs to be in domoticz/www
edit frontpage_settings.js
2a) edit url of domoticz
2b) edit switches (idx, descriptions, etc)
copy the complete frontpage folder to /volume1/web
edit frontpage_settings.js
2a) edit url of domoticz
2b) edit switches (idx, descriptions, etc)
Add the Sonos as a dummy switch in Domoticz
Check the idx of this switch
In the On command of the switch place: http://yourip/folder/frontpage/sonos/index.php?zone=IDX&action=Play (change IDX with the idx of your Sonos in Domoticz)
In the Off command of the switch place: http://yourip/folder/frontpage/sonos/index.php?zone=IDX&action=Stop (change IDX with the idx of your Sonos in Domoticz)
Edit config.php in sonos folder, fill in the idx and the ip address
Volume of Sonos can also be changed via the frontpage, in the frontpage_settings.js file set the plusmin button to value 2 (see the example)