A Markov name generator with a chemistry dictionary to generate names for new projects related to chemistry. A name for a new project is always one of the hardest parts.
Use it like
$ ./chem-name-gen
and it will provide you with 10 generated random names such as
Featuran conate
Network assocky automariazepan
Decket analdehydropylide
Tript pres portate
Back pointerene
Paraic andixyridiphene
There are some command line parameters available now to tailor the output a little bit:
$ ./chem-name-gen -h
usage: chem-name-gen.py [-h] [-v] [-n N] [-c N] [-l N] [-f F] [-a AB]
[--no_cut] [--remove_spaces]
A Markov name generator with a chemistry dictionary to generate names for new
projects related to chemistry.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version prints version information
-n N, --names N number of names to generate (default: 10)
-c N, --chain N chain length (default: 3)
-l N, --length N max length of generated name (default: 30)
-f F cut down the word list from the chemistry dictionary to
F times of the word list of the FOLDOC dictionary; this
will allow to over- or under-emphasize the chemistry
part of the generated words (default: 1.0 = balanced)
-a AB, --acronym AB generate names to fit the given acronym
--no_cut do not cut down the word list from the chemistry
--remove_spaces, -r removes spaces from generated words
A name for a new project is always one of the hardest parts.
Have fun!