This is a Go package for managing services over the decentralized key-value store etcd.
To install it:
go get
Registering a service consists of providing a public hostname or/and a private hostname:
- A public hostname resolves to an IP address usable from everywhere on the internet.
- A private hostname resolves to an IP address usable from the private network of the company.
* First argument is the name of the service
* Then a struct containing the service informations
* The registeration will stop when the context will be canceled.
* It will return the service uuid and a channel which will send back any modifications made to the service by the other host of the same service. This is usefull for credential synchronisation.
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
registration := service.Register(
Hostname: "",
Ports: service.Ports{
"http": "80",
"https": "443",
Critical: true,
User: gopassword.Generate(32),
Password: gopassword.Generate(32),
Public: true,
PrivateHostname: "",
PrivatePorts: service.ports{
"http": "8080",
"https": "80443",
The Public
attribute specifies whether a service has a public hostname or not. If set to false, setting the Hostname
is equivalent to setting the PrivateHostname
This will create two different etcd keys:
"name": "",
"service_name": "my-service",
"user": "user",
"password": "secret",
"public": true,
"private_hostname": "",
"private_ports": {
"http": "8080",
"https": "80443"
"critcal": true,
"uuid": "",
"name": "my-service",
"critical": true,
"hostname": "",
"user": "user",
"password": "password",
"ports": {
"http": "80",
"https": "443"
"public": true
When a service is added from another host, if you want your application to notice it and communicating with it, it is necessary to watch these notifications.
newHosts := service.SubscribeNew("name_of_service")
for host := range newHosts {
fmt.Println(host.Name, "has registered")
deadHosts := service.SubscribeDown("name_of_service")
for hostname := range deadHosts {
fmt.Println(hostname, "is dead, RIP")
Generate the mocks with:
for interface in $(grep --extended-regexp --no-message --no-filename "type .* interface" ./service/* | cut -d " " -f 2)
mockgen -destination service/servicemock/gomock_$(echo $interface | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]').go -package servicemock $interface
Bump new version number in
Commit, tag and create a new release:
git switch --create release/${version}
git add
git commit --message="Bump v${version}"
git push --set-upstream origin release/${version}
gh pr create --reviewer=EtienneM --fill-first --base master
Once the pull request merged, you can tag the new release.
git tag v${version}
git push origin master v${version}
gh release create v${version}
The title of the release should be the version number and the text of the release is the same as the changelog.