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Visualization of Your Raw Vault

Hoa Le edited this page May 23, 2023 · 1 revision


TurboVault4dbt allows users to visualize their Data Vault Model using DBDocs. Based on Your metadata, TurboVault4dbt is able to generate a .dbml file which is parsed to DBDocs to create an Entity-Relationship-Diagram of Your Data Vault model. The diagram includes highlighting primary keys and references between entities as well as clustering the entities based on their group allocation.

This screenshot is an example of an Entity-Relationship-Diagram based on the Snowflake Sample Dataset. It is also publicly available on DBDocs Documentation. view the screenshot

To use this feature, DBDocs needs to be installed and the user needs to be logged in.

Prerequisite: Make sure NodeJS and NPM have been installed on your computer or local machine before the installation.

1. Install dbdocs
Run the following command:

using npm:

npm install -g dbdocs

or using yarn:

yarn global add dbdocs

You can check if dbdocs has been successfully installed by executing the dbdocs command.

$ dbdocs
dbdocs ======

  dbdocs/0.6.2 win32-x64 node-v12.16.1

  $ dbdocs [COMMAND]
  build     build docs
  help      display help for dbdocs
  login     login to dbdocs
  logout    logout
  ls        list projects
  password  set password for your project or remove password
  remove    remove docs
  token     generate or revoke your authentication token
  validate  validate docs content

2. Login to dbdocs
Before you can generate dbdocs views, you need to login by executing the following command (login via email)

$ dbdocs login
? Choose a login method: Email
? Your email: <your email address>
✔ Request email authentication
? Please input OTP code sent to the email:

By entering correctly the OTP code in the email, you will be able to access the dbdocs.

Check out the official DBDocs Documentation for further information.