A sample Scala app, fully equipped to be monitored with Panopticon
Base app is created using zio-akka-quickstart template. To see all the changes you'd have to make to wire-up panopticon, check out this PR.
For JMX integration to work, launch with following JVM options:
To connect panopticon to this app, run it the following way:
panopticon-tui \
--tick-rate 2000 \
--zio-zmx localhost:6789 \
--jmx localhost:9010 \
--db-pool-name myDb \
--actor-tree http://localhost:8080/panopticon/actor-tree \
--actor-system-status http://localhost:8080/panopticon/actor-system-status
--dead-letters http://localhost:8080/panopticon/dead-letters
Developed by Scalac