Generates Geometry-Aware word meta embeddings as discussed in:
Pratik Jawanpuria, N T V Satya Dev, Anoop Kunchukuttan, and Bamdev Mishra. Learning geometric word meta-embeddings. In Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP, pages 39–44, July 2020. Association for Computational Linguistics.
We propose a geometric framework for learning meta-embeddings of words from different embedding sources. Our framework transforms the embeddings into a common latent space, where, for example, simple averaging or concatenation of different embeddings (of a given word) is more amenable. The proposed latent space arises from two particular geometric transformations - source embedding specific orthogonal rotations and a common Mahalanobis metric scaling. Empirical results on several word similarity and word analogy benchmarks illustrate the efficacy of the proposed framework
The implementation of proposed Geometry framework is taken from here (GeoMM). Checkout the GeoMM repo for installation of dependencies.
Assuming that the necessary PYTHON environment is already present.
- To generate latent space embeddings using the Geometry framework, run the following cmd
- Checkout help for detailed info
$ python </path/to/emb1> </path/to/emb2> --dictionary "/path/to/dictionary" --normalize <normalize-criteria-for-emb1> <normalize-criteria-for-emb2> --max_opt_iter 150000 --l2_reg <value of regularizer> --geomm_embeddings_path </path/to/output-embeddings>
- To generate meta embeddings based on either avg|conc (Only methods supported now), run the following cmd
- Checkout help for detailed info
$ python --normalize <normalize-criteria-for-emb1> <normalize-criteria-for-emb2> --meta_embeddings_path </path/to/output-meta-embeddings>
- The dictionary should be built as per the method specified in the paper which results in an identity matrix
A sample of 2 source embeddings and a bash script has been provided to generate meta-embeddings from them.
Run the following cmd (providing the exact cmds that are being run) for sample usecase
$ bash -x