is a CLI utility to view the contents of an AWS bucket. The naming is an artifact of what is known as Tier 2 storage available to UArizona members.
Since this script was developed specifically for UArizona, the default region is set to us-west-2
. I may go through to make this more customizable in a future update. In the meantime, this can be reset in the aws_config()
function in config/aws_credentials_config.py
by modifying region_name
- I may update the script in the future to eliminate the need for emoji since it's purly aesthetic.
- The tqdm package is used to update the user on the progress of a long series of aws queries, specifically when requesting storage tiers of each object in a bucket.
- pwinput is used to disguise user input when entering public and private access keys
- Python >= 3.6
- emoji==2.2.0
- pwinput==1.0.3
- tqdm==4.64.1
This script can either be run by putting tier2-viewer into your PATH. Alternatively, if you'd like to compile a single executable, one option is to use pyinstaller. For example:
[user@hostname tier2-viewer]$ cd build
[user@hostname build]$ pyinstaller --onefile ../tier2-viewer
<build output>
[user@hostname build]$ ls dist/
This will generate a single tier2-viewer executable in ${tier2-viewer-base}/build/dist
To set up your python environment, run:
[user@hostname tier2-viewer]$ pip install -r build/requirements.txt
If you do not have root authority on the system where you are using this script, you can use a virtual environment or conda environment.
To use tier2-viewer, your AWS keys must be configured with the aws CLI and a bucket name needs to be provided. You can set these credentials using tier2-viewer --config
If you need to reconfigure your credentials, either because you have new access keys or you are connecting to a new bucket, you can rerun tier2-viewer --config
. As an example of the configuration process:
[user@hostname tier2-viewer]$ ./tier2-viewer --config
Configuring options for ./tier2-viewer
Current credentials:
AWS Access Key ID : ****************ABCD
AWS Secret Access Key: ************************************EFGH
Reconfigure AWS access tokens? (y/n): y
Entering AWS configuration.
AWS Access Key ID : ********************
AWS Secret Access Key : ****************************************
Setting default region name to : us-west-2
Setting default output format to: json
✅ Credentials are valid
aws configured
Current bucket: bucket-name
Reconfigure bucket? (y/n): y
Entering bucket configuration
Bucket Name: new-bucket-name
✅ The new-bucket-name bucket exists. Continuing
Configuration complete.
Running tier2-viewer
without any arguments will simply list the contents of your bucket. The goal of this script was to transform AWS output to more closely resemble a standard file system.
[user@hostname tier2-viewer]$ ./tier2-viewer
Object Size
Archives/ 0B
gmx21.sif/ 0B
iqtree2-2.1.2/ 0B
QNS-master/ 0B
GCA_947599735.1_LP_J_v3_genomic.gbff.gz 1.0GB
iSALE2D.tar.gz 51.4MB
tensorflow2-23.01-py3-interactive.sif 7.3GB
The --size
option will allow you to get the size of your bucket, or target a "directory" by using the --prefix
flag to view the total size of its contents. This is analogous to a du -sh
[user@hostname tier2-viewer]$ ./tier2-viewer --size
Total objects found: 3737
Size of bucket: 9.4GB
[user@hostname tier2-viewer]$ ./tier2-viewer --size --prefix=iqtree2-2.1.2
Total objects found: 1929
Size: 733.8MB
You can also get the object classes of files by using the --tier
[user@hostname tier2-viewer]$ tier2-viewer --tier
Object Size Storage Class Archive Status Restore Status
Archives/ 0B - - -
DEVEL/ 0B - - -
gmx21.sif/ 0B - - -
iqtree2-2.1.2/ 0B - - -
QNS-master/ 0B - - -
GCA_947599735.1_LP_J_v3_genomic.gbff.gz 1.0GB GLACIER - -
iSALE2D.tar.gz 51.4MB GLACIER - -
tensorflow2-23.01-py3-interactive.sif 7.3GB INTELLIGENT_TIERING FREQUENT_ACCESS -
This can be helpful for tracking down the status of restore requests for archived objects.
For more information on usage:
[user@hostname tier2-viewer]$ ./tier2-viewer --help
./tier2-viewer is a command line utility to view the contents of an AWS bucket.
This is used as a wrapper for the aws CLI to list files/directories, their
storage classes⭐, and the status of a restore request.
To retrieve information on the storage tier of an object, use the --tier flag in
your query. This can sometimes take a long time depending on the number of
objects in your bucket. A limit of 1000 objects can be queried for their storage
Objects stored in a UArizona AWS bucket are subject to intelligent tiering⭐⭐.
⭐ Directories do not have storage tiers associated with them, only files.
⭐⭐ Objects smaller than 128KB are not subject to intelligent tiering and will
always be stored as STANDARD.
Usage: ./tier2-viewer [--OPTION=VALUE|--help|--config]
Valid OPTION/VALUE combinations
--bucket=<bucket_name> : Specify your bucket name. Not needed if --config used.
--prefix=</path/to/file/or/directory> : View a specific file or directory in your bucket
: Note: if your path has special characters (spaces, tabs, stars, etc)
: in it, either use quotes, e.g.: --prefix="file name.txt", or escape the
: special character, e.g. --prefix=file\ name.
Additional flags
--tiers : Get the storage class of a directory's contents or a specific file. This
will also display processing restore requests for archival data.
--size : Get the size of a file or directory in your bucket.
--config : (Re)Configure your aws credentials and bucket name.
--full-width : Display full filenames rather than scaling them to fit your terminal's width.
--no-color : Turn off warning and directory colors.
--help : Show this help message.
--version : Print software version.