This is proxy health check and provider part of proxypool. You should have had a proxypool server available at first.
Due to the poor availability of proceeding proxy health check on servers overseas, The best usage of this project is to run on your own server within Mainland China.
Choose either.
Download from releases
Don't forget to add 755 permissions
chmod +775 proxypoolcheck
Put config.yaml into directory and run. You can use -c to specify configuration path.
# or
./proxypoolCheck -c PathToConfig
Make sure golang 1.16 installed. Then download source
$ go get -u -v
And run
$ go run main.go -c ./config/config.yaml
Compile into bin directory
# proxypool remote server url. Blank for
# For your local server
request: http # http / https
domain: # default:
port: # default: 80
cron_interval: 15 # default: 15 minutes
show_remote_speed: true # default false
healthcheck_timeout: # default 5
healthcheck_connection: # default 100
speedtest: # default false
speed_timeout: # default 10
speed_connection: # default 5
If your web server port is not the same as proxypoolCheck serving port, you should put web server port in configuration, and set an environment variable PORT
for proxypoolCheck to serve. This will be really helpful when you are doing frp.
export PORT=ppcheckport
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