If you wanna use openapi-typescript
with union entry point such as union request function, you can install this package and get swagger types for your own data fetching function.
import type { GetSwaggerInterface } from '@yasanchezz/openapi-typescript-interface';
import type { paths } from '../swagger'; // or where do you place swagger types?
// user input values
type UserInput = {
sginal?: AbortSignal | null;
// user output values
type UserOutput = {
something: string;
const request: GetSwaggerInterface<paths, UserInput, UserOutput> = async (options): Promise<any> => {
const response = await fetch(options.path, {
body: 'body' in options && 'headers' in options
? JSON.stringify(options.body) // for example
: null,
cache: 'no-cache',
headers: new Headers(options.headers),
method: options.method.toUpperCase(),
mode: 'cors',
signal: options.signal || null,
const body = await response.json();
return {
status: response.status, // library required field
body, // library required field
ok: response.ok, // library required field
something: 'something', // UserOutput.something
// all passed and response values will be inference from swagger types
const response = await request({
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
method: 'delete',
path: `/api/v1/document/${id}`,
// success
if (response.ok) {