NOTE: there is an issue when I publish releases of the script - for now I'll just provide the link to the RAW text script, or you can just download the whole repository and just keep the CleanExchangeLogFiles.ps1
file. Apologizes for the invonvenience
PowerShell script taken and adapted from Edward Van Biljon (was on his Technet Gallery, which has been decommissioned in 2020 (original link: with the following modifications:
No need to modify the IIS and Exchange Path => the script uses environment variables to find the Exchange Logging and IIS Logging paths (script has to be used on Exchange servers to remove the log files)
added -DoNotDelete switch to just assess the amount of files that we'd potentially remove
added -NoConfirmation switch to avoir being prompted to continue or cancel
added progress bars
added script log file
- example to view folder sizes only for IIS log files aged 2 days and older:
.\CleanExchangeLogFiles.ps1 -Days 2 -DoNotDelete
- example to clean Exchange Logging files and IIS Log files aged 5 days and older:
.\CleanExchangeLogFiles.ps1 -Days 2
You'll see the progress bars (one for the folder it's cleaning, and one for the files it's cleaning for each folder):
NOTE: to use in a Windows Scheduled task, use the
switch to bypass the Confirm Yes/No dialog box. Otherwise the script will just wait for a user input, which will never come because it's a Windows Scheduled task, most likely configured as "non interactive" because we want it to be automatic.
In that case, use the -NoConfirmation switch:
.\CleanExchangeLogFiles -Days 2 -NoConfirmation
This will launch the script in files deletion mode immediately, without the need of a user interaction.
The script log file will be located on the user's Documents folder:
And it will contain the same information as on the screen:
Either download the whole repo, or copy/paste the text of CleanExchangeLogFiles.ps1 from this link