This project is demonstrating the use of firebase with cordova phone gap. The following operations are handeled through the app:
- User Registration.
- User Login.
- Remember me feature.
- Create a new order (Write Operation).
- Delete a order (Delete Operation).
- Load all orders (Read Operation).
- Update name (Update Operation).
The current flow of the app is as follows.
1.Splash screen(index.html)
2.Home Screen(HomeScreen.html)
2.a. If user has no orders, a text box will display that.
2.b. If user has orders, they will be loaded into a jquery listview.
2.c. If user clicks on the menu, Log out and profile buttons will be displayed.
2.d. If user clicks on new order, a redirection to the new order page will be prompted.
2.e. If user clicks on the order, a refirection to the order details page will be prompted.
3.Create a new order(NewOrder.html)
3.a. When user creates a new order, a redirection will be propmted to section 2.
4.Profile page (Profile.html)
5.Order Details.(OrderDetails.html)
5.a. User clicks delete order, a redirection will be prompted to section 2.
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