This is a react-admin based admin panel with two login options for MJJY and STE admins.
The view for MJJY admin shows them list of GP's and villages under them as well as the list of submissions.
They can:
- view a submission
- give feedback on each submission
- view their given feedback
- approve or flag a submission.
The view for STE admin shows them a list of users and departments. The admin can create a department or a user.
To create a department, admin types a department name and assigns a schema in JSON format to be enter by users of that department.
To create a user, admin types a username and password along with a department to assign the user.
These users then use APIs to submit department data of citizens in specified schemas.
Install the application dependencies by running:
npm install
# or
yarn install
Start the application in development mode by running:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev