Make sure Python 3 is installed
python3 -v
Install pips
pip3 install mutagen requests opencv
To Run
First get the ID from TMDb of the Film or TV Show you want data for
curl --location --request GET '{{NAME}}?api_key={{API_KEY}}
Then using that ID run over the directory (for a TV Show) or the file (for a Film) with the outlined process arguments A TV Show must already have season and episode number data tagged to the file, or contain a string in the file name that follows a specific format (eg. S01E01 for Season 1, Episode 1)
python3 -i <input file or dirextory> -n <content name>
Optional flags
-h will attempt to move and delete the file once done --isTV will tell the job that the content is TV, without this, it will try and figure that out on its own