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Thrifter addresses the shortcoming in the official library for production uses. It's most important features are:

  • Thread safe via connection pool
  • Safe for use in long running processes
  • Simple RPC queuing
  • Retry support
  • Proper timeouts by default
  • Metrics
  • Better error handling
  • Middleware


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'thrifter'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install thrifter


Thrifter is a factory (similar to DelegateClass) for building client classes. It can be used like DelegateClass or like Struct. The result is subclasses of Thrifter::Client. The classes use the same methods to make RPCs. For example if the thrift service has a fooBar RPC, the generated class has a fooBar method to invoke the RPC. Here are some examples.

# Struct style
ServiceClient =

The struct style take a block as well
ServiceClient = do
  def custom_method(args)
    # something something

# Delegate class style (easiest to add abstractions)
class MyServiceClient <
  def custom_method(args)
    # something something


Thrifter uses a configuration object on each class to track dependent objects. Configured objects are injected into each instance. This makes it easy to configure classes in different environment (e.g. production vs test). All settings are documented below. uri is the most important! It must be set to instantiate clients.

class MyClient <
  # Thrift specific things
  config.transport = Thrift::FramedTransport
  config.protocol = Thrift::BinaryTransport

  # Pool settings
  config.pool_size = 12
  config.pool_timeout = 0.15

  # Network Settings
  config.rpc_timeout = 0.15
  config.keep_alive = true

  # Required to instantiate the client!
  config.uri = 'tcp://foo:2383'

# The common block form is supported as well
MyClient.configure do |config|
  # ... same as above


Extensions add functionality to the client itself. They do not effect the request/response cycle in anyway. Thrifter includes a few extensions by default. This section covers each included extension.


Certain systems may need to queue RPCs to other systems. This is only useful for void RPCs or for when an outside system may be flaky. Assume MyService has a logStats RPC. Your application is producing stats that should make it upstream, but there are intermitent network problems effeciting stats collection. Include Thrift::Queueing and any RPC will automatically be sent to sidekiq for eventual processing. sidekiq must be available. This is an opt-in dependency, of if you want this funtionality, add sidekiq and sidekiq-thrift_arguments to your Gemfile.

require 'thrifter/extensions/queueing'

class ServiceClient <
  include Thrifter::Queuing

Now instances of ServiceClient now respond to queued. This returns a queue based instance. All RPC methods will work as usual. Here's an example:

# Assume client is an instance of ServiceClient
my_service.queued.logStats({ 'users' => 5 })

# Naturally the block form may be used as well
my_service.queued do |queue|
  queue.logStats({ 'sessions' => 50 })
  queue.logStats({ 'posts' => 30 })

All RPCs will be sent to the thrift sidekiq queue. They will follow default sidekiq retry backoff and the like.

Retry Support

Systems have syncrhonous RPCs. Unfortunately sometimes these don't work for whatever reason. It's good practice to retry these RPCs (within certain limits) if they don't succeed the first time. Thrift::Retriable is perfect for this use case.

class ServiceClient <
  include Thrifter::Retriable
# Assume client is an instance of ServiceClient

# logStats will be retried 3 times at 0.1 second intervals if any
# known thrift or network errors happen.
my_service.with_retry.logStats({ 'users' => 5 })

# These settings can be customized by the retriable method.
my_sevice.with_retry({tries: 10, delay: 0.3 }).logStats({ 'sessions' => 50 })

# Naturally the block form may be used as well
my_service.with_retry do |with_retry|
  with_retry.logStats({ 'sessions' => 50 })
  with_retry.logStats({ 'posts' => 30 })

Thrift::Retriable is a simple retry solution for syncronous RPCs. Look into something like retriable if you want a more robust solution for different use cases.


Components in a system may need to inquire if other systems are available before continuing. Thrifter::Ping is just that. Thrifter::Ping assumes the service has a ping RPC. If your service does not have one (or is named differently) simply implement the ping method on the class. Any successful response will count as up, anything else will not.

class MyService <
  include Thrifter::Ping

  # Define a ping method if the service does not have one
  def ping

# my_service.up? # => true


The middleware approach is great for providing a flexible extension points to hook into the RPC process. Thrifter::Client provides a middleware implementation to common to many other ruby libraries. Unlike extensions, middleware modify the request/response cycle. They do not modify the client class directly. Thrifter includes a few helpful middlware which are documented below.

Using Middleware

Here's the most simple middlware example:

class MyClient <
  use MyMiddlware
  use MySecondMiddleware

Since middleware must defined at the class level, you should defer setting up middleware that depend on objects until process boot. For example, if you have LoggingMiddleware and you need to log to different places depending on environment, you should add the middleware in whatever code configurres that environment. Only static middleware should be configured directly in the class itself.

A middleware must implement the call method and accept at least one argument to initialize. The call method recieves a Thrifter::RPC. Thrifter::RPC is a sipmle struct with a name and args methods. Here's an example:

class LoggingMiddleware
  def initialize(app)
    @app = app

  def call(rpc)
    puts "Running #{} with #{rpc.args.inspect}" rpc


Statsd metrics are opt-in. By default, Thrifter sets the statsd client to a null implementation. If you want metrics, set config.statsd to an object that implements the statsd-ruby interface. Thrifter emits the following metrics:

  • time on each rpc calls
  • number of Thrift::TransportException
  • number of Thrift::ProtocolExeption
  • number of Thrift::ApplicationExeption
  • number of Timeout::Error
  • number of generic errors (e.g. none of the above known errors)

It's recommended that the statsd object do namespacing (statsd-ruby has it built in). This ensures client metrics don't get intermingled with wider application metrics. Here's an example:

ServiceClient =
# Now in production.rb
ServiceClient.config.statsd = namespace: 'my_service'

Error Wrapping

A lot of things can go wrong in the thrift stack. This means the caller may need to deal with a large amount of different exceptions. For example, does it really matter if Thrift::ProtocolException or Thrift::TransportException was raied? Can the caller recover from either of them? No. So instead of allowing these semantics to propogate up abstraction levels, it's better to encapsulate them in a single error. This is easily implemented with a middleware and once is included in the library. When this middleare is used, all known networking & thrift exceptions will be raised as Thrifter::ClientError.

class MyService <
  use Thrifter::ErrorWrapping

A list of other known error classes can be provided to wrap more than the library's known set.

class MyService <
  use Thrifter::ErrorWrapping, [ SomeErrorClass ]

Note, Thrifter will still count individual errors as described in the metrics section.

Protocol Validation

Thrift requires that client & server communicate with the exact things specified in the protocol. Unfortunately ruby does not prevent us from making mistakes. It's possible to forget setting required members or assigning symbol instead of a string. Luckily ruby's dynamic traits make it possible to implement compiler like validation. Thrifter includes a middlware that will checkout incoming & outgoing objects so that they're valid protocol message. [thrift-validator][] does all the heavy lifing here. Use Thrifter::Validation in the test environment to make sure things are correct. Here's an example.

class MyService <
  use Thrifter::Validation


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Production ready thrift client with improved semantics







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