What's Changed
- Create Uniprot -> Ensembl ID mapping file by @jaclynbeck-sage in #157
- Added notebook to fetch Pharos class information for genes in Agora by @jaclynbeck-sage in #158
- Removed druggability-only genes from the gene_metadata pre-processing by @jaclynbeck-sage in #159
- Incorporate uniprot id into gene info by @beatrizsaldana in #160
- [IBCDPE-983] Updates GX functionality to surface warnings by @BWMac in #161
- Update gene info processing for druggability revamp by @beatrizsaldana in #163
- AG-1596: Bump tep_adi_info version to add missing ADI target by @JessterB in #164
Full Changelog: 0.5.2...0.5.3