Simple way of running a single query in multiple Sqlite dbs.
Not optimized for heavy duty use. It's just a helper tool to find information quickly over several DBs.
usage: [-h] [-d ROOT_DIR] [-c CONFIG] [-pf PRINT_FOUND_DBS] [-l LIMIT] query
Multi-DB Sqlite Query Tool
positional arguments: query Query to execute in multiple DBs
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit
-d ROOT_DIR, --root-dir ROOT_DIR Root directory to find DB files in
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG Specifies which config file to use
-pf PRINT_FOUND_DBS, --print-found-dbs PRINT_FOUND_DBS If True, prints all DB files found
-l LIMIT, --limit LIMIT Limits the number of DBs queried up to the first X specified by this limit