TAN-chain Trust Alliance Network : Current Daemon and Node in Development
TanChain runtime parameters
-offline Start daemon in offline mode
-initprivkey=<privkey> Manually set the private key as your default address
-handshakelocal=<address> Overwrite locally connected peer wallet addresses
-miningrequirespeers=<n> If set overrides mining-requires-peers blockchain setting, values 0/1.
-mineemptyrounds=<n> If set overrides mine-empty-rounds blockchain setting, values 0.0-1000.0 or -1.
-miningturnover=<n> If set overrides mining-turnover blockchain setting, values 0-1.
-shrinkdebugfilesize=<n> If shrinkdebugfile is 1, this controls the size of the debug file. Whenever the debug.log file reaches over 5 times this number of bytes, it is reduced back down to this size.
-shortoutput Only show the node address (if connecting was successful) or an address in the wallet (if connect permissions must be granted by another node)
-bantx=<txids> Comma delimited list of banned transactions.
-lockblock=<hash> Blocks on branches without this block will be rejected
- Legal entities user role
- API Pipeline and Frontend
- Reward mechanisms as described in the Whitepaper
- Daemon in MultiChain (Enterprise level blockchain system)
- Adding tamperproof ID tracking system in the TAN chain for verified/validated legal entities..
- Web interface built in PHP, HTML, CSS, and Javascript
- Network connects to Block explorer and Daemon utilizing restful API calls
- Daemon build with Mulitchain (Will go live once TAN network & MVP Released