SafeHaven is an inheritance wallet that uses multipath layer security in order to secure your crypto based assets.
- Coins and value of coins will be retrievable anytime
- Right now, not many software based solutions utilize digital inheritance
- We want to meet industry standards for cryptography and have our own unique value as well
- This is a variation of SafeHaven's Technology that has an independent blockchain
- This means if released, it will rely on its own protocols rather then ERC20 or hosted on Ethereum's block explorer
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs
$ npm install crypto-js
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev
Development Highlights:
- Also will be POS (Proof of Stake)
- Utilizes "Blockchain as a Service" for Digital Inheritance
- Will follow TRUST alliance and needed ring signature protocols
- Chain Validator, custom classes, and nice frontend planning on being created