This code is from Sapana Chadhaury . We did not make any substantial changes to the code. Most of the Code found in own_utils was written by ourselves. There can be the constraint functions we used and the methods we used for our experiments regarding the number of CG-iterations. The CPO as described in Achiam et al. algorithm is implemented in algos/ . Sadly we were not able to make the code fully functional, as we ran into many difficulties. A presentation of some nice models we trained can be viewed by running Methods for plotting agent data can be found in . Methods for viewing the Agent in the environment can be found in .
- PyTorch (We used a new version of PyTorch but the original recommendation is PyTorch 1.2.0.)
- OpenAI Gym.
Learning progress is saved in losses.csv for every model, a more detailed explanation of the format can be found in
- python algos/ --env-name CartPole-v1 --algo-name=CPO --exp-num=1 --exp-name=CPO/CartPole --save-intermediate-model=10 --gpu-index=0 --max-iter=500
one can further also specify the number of CG iterations using --cg-iter