Convert linux gnome config to json and back
To get the gnome .conf file use:
dconf dump / > FILENAME.conf
Example usage to convert conf and store as json file and take json and store as conf file
import dconfjson
dconfjson.json_writer("FILENAME.conf", dest="FILENAME.json")
dconfjson.dconf_writer("FILENAME.json", dest="FILENAME_2.conf")
To load new dconf parameters into gnome use (bash):
dconf load / < FILENAME_2.conf
To get the gnome config out as a python dict use:
import dconfjson
with open(dconf_path, "rb") as fin:
dconf ="utf-8")
config_dict = dconfjson.dconf_json(dconf)
To get the dconf out as dict without using files:
import dconfjson
import subprocess
def dconf_get():
spath = "/org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/"
cmd = "dconf dump %s /" % spath
tmp = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE )
(out, err) = tmp.communicate()
return out
s_out = dconf_get().decode("utf-8")
config_dict = dconfjson.dconf_json(s_out)