This repository contains PyTorch implementation of the following paper: Face Super-Resolution with Spatial Attention Guided by Multiscale Receptive-Field Features.
Face super-resolution (FSR) is dedicated to the restoration of high-resolution (HR) face images from their low-resolution (LR) counterparts. Many deep FSR methods exploit facial prior knowledge (e.g., facial landmark and parsing map) related to facial structure information to generate HR face images. However, directly training a facial prior estimation network with deep FSR model requires manually labeled data, and is often computationally expensive. In addition, inaccurate facial priors may degrade super-resolution performance. In this paper, we propose a residual FSR method with spatial attention mechanism guided by multiscale receptive-field features (MRF) for converting LR face images (i.e., 16 × 16) to HR face images (i.e., 128 × 128). With our spatial attention mechanism, we can recover local details in face images without explicitly learning the prior knowledge. Quantitative and qualitative experiments show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art FSR method.
We recommended the following dependencies.
- Python>=3.7
- torch>=1.5.1
- opencv-python
- scikit-image
- tqdm
- imgaug
For installation, clone this repository:
git clone
cd MRRNet
- Download the dataset from CelebA dataset.
- Extract the data.
- Use OpenCV to crop face images roughly from CelebA.
- Remove the excess background in the rough cropped face images.
- resize the cropped images to 128×128 as HR images. Downsample the HR images to 16×16 as LR face images.
We proviede
to crop face images.
To train MRRGAN:
python --gpus 1 --name MRRNet --model mrrnet \
--Gnorm "in" --lr 0.0001 --beta1 0.9 --scale_factor 8 --load_size 128 \
--dataroot ../progressiveFSR/crop_celeba --dataset_name celeba --batch_size 12 --total_epochs 20 \
--visual_freq 100 --print_freq 10 --save_latest_freq 500 #--continue_train
To test MRRGAN:
python --gpus 1 --model mrrnet --name MRRNet \
--load_size 128 --dataset_name single --dataroot test_dirs/CelebA_test_DIC/LR \
--pretrain_model_path ./pretrain_models/latest_net_G.pth \
--save_as_dir results_CelebA/MRRNet/
If you use this repository or would like to refer the paper, please use the following BibTeX entry
author={Huang, Weikang and Lan, Shiyong and Wang, Wenwu and Yuan, Xuedong and Yang, Hongyu and Li, Piaoyang and Ma, Wei},
booktitle={International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks,(ICANN2022)},
title={Face Super-Resolution with Spatial Attention Guided by Multiscale Receptive-Field Features},