Start by setting up the working enviroment
sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk
sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jre
SBT is the most common built tool in the Scala community. You can download it here.
sudo apt-get install verilator
Fork this repository on your own individual profiles. After forking clone the repository and run:
sbt test
You should see a whole bunch of output that ends with something like the following lines
[info] Tests: succeeded 1, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[success] Total time: 5 s, completed Dec 16, 2020 12:18:44 PM
If you see the above then...
You are ready to go. Next step is to go inside the docs/
folder where you will find the labs to perform.
If you quickly want to see what verilog is being generated, go to this link and write Chisel here.
addi x5 x0 0
addi x6 x0 5
add x8 x6 x5
addi x5 x5 1
sw x5 100(x0)
beq x5 x6 ANS
jal LOOP
ANS: lw x7 100(x0)
addi x5 x0 3
addi x5 x5 1
addi x6 x0 7
sw x6 100(x5)
lw x7 100(x5)
bne x5 x7 LOOP
addi x5 x0 0
addi x7 x0 1
addi x6 x0 10
addi x28 x0 0
LOOP: beq x28 x6 END
add x29 x5 x7
add x5 x0 x7
add x7 x0 x29
jal LOOP
addi x1,x0,0
addi x2,x0,1
addi x10,x0,4
addi x6,x0,40
addi x3,x0,0
addi x4,x3,4
sw x1,0x100(x3)
sw x2,0x100(x4)
addi x14,x0,8
addi x5,x0,8
addi x13,x0,8
addi x15,x0,4
addi x9,x0,4
add x8,x1,x2
beq x5,x6,end
add x12,x0,x8
sw x12,0x100(x5)
lw x11,0x100(x9)
add x8,x11,x8
addi x5,x5,4
addi x9,x9,4
jal x7,up
beq x3,x6,break
lw x16,0x100(x3)
addi x3,x3,4
jal x7,end