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Swathi Kaluvakuri edited this page Apr 12, 2018 · 8 revisions

Sprint 1

What went well:

  • 80% of sprint one tasks were completed
  • Frame work was well designed (Keep things modularized)

What could have been improved

  • Team engagement
  • Time management
  • Continuous progress/development
  • come up with Proper estimates

Actions (Fix the above)

  • Complete the pending tasks
  • Meet twice a week (Monday and Wednesday @5pm)
  • Minimum 6 hours of work per-person each week
  • Give a report of progress Tuesday and Friday of what was completed and what you will do next

Sprint 2

What went well:

  • 80% of sprint two tasks were completed
  • Team Communication
  • Meetings were more productive than last sprint

What could have been improved

  • Software architecture clarity
  • Write better code

Actions (Fix the above)

  • Understanding the architecture well - how the system works as a whole.
  • Being more results driven
  • Have a meeting just specifically for architecture
  • Use SLACK - create a workspace

Status of the Actions - Sprint 1

  • Pretty satisfied
  • Can just have one report on Tuesday
  • Meetings were helpful
  • Could see Continuous progress