Extraction of Emerging Patterns through an Adaptive Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm (E2PAMEA) & the Bit Look-Up Table (Bit-LUT) chromosome evaluation approach
In this repository the source code of the E2PAMEA and the Bit-LUT algorithms are presented. Please cite this work as:
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The algorithm is compiled by means of sbt assembly. Assuming sbt is installed in the system, run:
sbt assembly
Data must follows the ARFF dataset format (https://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/~ml/weka/arff.html).
The algorithm uses several parameters for its execution. Parameters are speciefied in a Linux-CLI fashion. For the execution of the algorithm you must call the "spark-submit" command. The execution CLI line and the list of available commands are presented below (this help is shown in the algorithm when an error is detected or no parameters are added):
Usage: spark-submit --master <URL> <jarfile> [-BhvV] [--list] [-e=NUMBER]
[-n=STRING] [-p=NUMBER] [-r=PATH]
[-s=SEED] [-t=PATH] [-T=PATH]
THRESHOLD...]]... [-o=OBJ[,
OBJ...]]... trainingFile testFile
Fast Big Data MOEA
trainingFile The training file in ARFF format.
testFile The test file in ARFF format.
-B, --bigdata If set, the evaluation in the evolutionary process is
performed on the optimised BitSet structure by means
of an RDD. This means that for each generation, a
MapReduce procedure is triggered for evaluating the
-e, --evaluations=NUMBER The maximum number of evaluations until the end of the
evolutionary process.
The filter by measure to be applied. The format must be
MEASURE,THRESHOLD, where MEASURE is one of the
available quality measures. By default a confidence
filter with a threshold=0.6 is applied
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-i, --individuals=NUMBER The number of individuals in the population
-l, --labels=NUMBER The number of fuzzy linguistic labels for each variable.
-n, --null=STRING A string that represents null values in the datasets.
By default it is '?'
-o, --objectives=OBJ[,OBJ...]
A comma-separated list of names for the quality
measures to be used as optimisation objectives.
-p, --partitions=NUMBER The number of partitions used within the MapReduce
-r, --rules=PATH The path for storing the rules file.
-s, --seed=SEED The seed for the random number generator.
-t, --training=PATH The path for storing the training results file.
-T, --test=PATH The path for storing the test results file.
-v Show Spark INFO messages.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
--list List the quality measures available to be used as
A set of artificial datasets were generated in this study in order for determining the scalability of the proposal. In this section the details of the datasets are presented for replication purposes.
The datasets were generated by MOA (https://moa.cms.waikato.ac.nz/). Using MOA, the commands employed for generating the datasets of the study were the following:
WriteStreamToARFFFile -s (generators.RandomTreeGenerator -r 1 -o 10 -u 10) -f (ArtInstances_x.arff) -m 100000000
WriteStreamToARFFFile -s (generators.RandomTreeGenerator -r 1 -o 50 -u 50) -f (ArtVariables_x.arff) -m 1000000
WriteStreamToARFFFile -s (generators.RandomTreeGenerator -r 1 -o 250 -u 250) -f (ArtVariables_x.arff) -m 1000000
WriteStreamToARFFFile -s (generators.RandomTreeGenerator -r 1 -o 500 -u 500) -f (ArtVariables_x.arff) -m 1000000
WriteStreamToARFFFile -s (generators.RandomTreeGenerator -r 1 -o 2500 -u 2500) -f (ArtVariables_x.arff) -m 1000000
WriteStreamToARFFFile -s (generators.RandomTreeGenerator -r 1 -o 5000 -u 5000) -f (ArtVariables_x.arff) -m 1000000
WriteStreamToARFFFile -s (generators.RandomTreeGenerator -r 1 -o 7500 -u 7500) -f (ArtVariables_x.arff) -m 1000000