- Summary
- Prerequisites
- Installation Overview
- Project Boilerplate / Template
- Installation
- Project Settings
- Discovery of Environment Variables
- Usage
- Deploying and Linking Libraries
- Retrieving information from simba.json and authconfig.json
- Viewing current directory paths for your project
- Setting a directory path
- Resetting directory paths to default settings
- Deleting contracts from your organisation
The SIMBA Truffle plugin enables interaction with your SIMBA Blocks Instance from the command line, using the Truffle environment that you love using for writing and testing smart contracts.
The SIMBA Truffle plugin, as a member of SIMBA's web3 plugin family, allows Solidity contracts to be developed locally using state of the art blockchain development tools. The flow for the developer fits in with their typical development pipeline. Contracts can be developed, compiled and tested using Truffle tooling. Then they can be deployed directly to a SIMBA Blocks instance. SIMBA receives and handles the Truffle metadata for sets of compiled contracts and deploys them to the blockchains that the Blocks deployment is linked to.
The developer can now enjoy all the goodness of SIMBA’s custom auto generated REST API for the contracts, combined with the easy-to-use Truffle development environment!
The following are the general steps to get going with the SIMBA Chain Truffle plugin. The rest of the documentation provides details on these and other steps.
- Install truffle globally on your computer
- Create a directory for your Truffle project.
- cd into that directory and start an npm project.
- Then in that directory, start a Truffle project. This directory (the root of your project, where your package.json will live), is where you will run your Truffle commands from.
- Install the SIMBA Chain Truffle plugin
- Declare your @simbachain/truffle plugin in your truffle-config.js file
- (optional) Create a simba.json file in the top level of your project, and populate that file with 'baseURL' and 'web3Suite' fields.
- (Necessary if using client credentials) Create an env file (.simbachain.env, simbachain.env, or .env) in your project root, and specify client credentials as well as your SIMBA Chain base API URL.
- Run
truffle run simba help
to make sure the plugin is installed
If users want to view and/or use a boilerplate for the SIMBA Chain Truffle plugin, they can navigate to https://github.com/SIMBAChain/truffle-plugin-template
From that URL, users can click the "Use this template" tab
You should have a SIMBA Blocks Instance to communicate with. Additionally you must have a least one contract application created in the instance (though the plugin will direct you to create one if you do not yet have one). To create an application, open your browser, navigate to your instance and log in using your SIMBA user account. Click on your organization -> Applications and then click on the "Add" button. Follow the on screen instructions to create your application.
First, you need to ensure that you have started a Truffle project, which needs to be done from within an npm project. So first create a directory where you want your project to live:
$ mkdir my_truffle_project
And then cd into that directory:
$ cd my_truffle_project
NOTE: It is this level (the root) of your project, where your package.json will live, where you will run your Truffle CLI commands
To start an npm project, from that same directory run:
$ npm init
Then follow the prompts to name your project, version it, etc.
Then you will need to ensure that Truffle is installed globally. Because Truffle seems to have released some unstable versions lately, we highly suggest that you use a version of Truffle that we know works with our plugin. So please run:
$ npm install -g [email protected]
Then finally, to start a Truffle project, from within your npm project directory, run:
$ truffle init
Now you're ready to focus on installling the SIMBA Chain Truffle plugin.
To install the truffle plugin follow these steps.
Install the plugin from NPM:
$ npm install --save-dev @simbachain/truffle
Then add the SIMBA plugin to your module.exports object in your truffle-config.js file:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
Once you have Hardhat installed locally, you will need to create an env file in the root of your project (or you can create it in your SIMBA_HOME directory; please see Discovery of Environment Variables, but we suggest you create your env file in the root of your project, where your package.json file lives). This file can be titled any of:
- .simbachain.env
- simbachain.env
- .env
If you do not want to use client credentials / non interactive commands, then the only value you need to set is your SIMBA_API_BASE_URL, which would look something like the following, but would vary, based on your environment:
If you want to use client credentials / non interactive commands, then you should also set SIMBA_AUTH_CLIENT_ID and SIMBA_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET. So then your env file would look something like:
SIMBA_AUTH_CLIENT_ID=<your client ID for your environment>
SIMBA_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=<your client secret for your environment>
The most important file in your SIMBA Chain Hardhat project is your simba.json file. You DO NOT need to create and configure a simba.json file, though you will see references to simba.json in this documentation, and you will notice that this file populates in your project after you run simba commands.
NOTE regarding simba.json in your Truffle project:
It may be tempting to just try and start a Truffle project in the same directory as a Hardhat project. Do not do this. Hardhat projects and Truffle projects should have their own simba.json
files, and should live in separate directories.
Moreover, you should NOT directly manipulate your simba.json file in most cases. Any manipulation you may need to do can be done from the terminal.
Finally, run the following command to make sure everything is installed correctly:
$ truffle run simba help
You should see a message similar to the below output:
? Please choose which topic you would like help with › - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
❯ login
When it comes to setting and discovering environment variables for you project, we try to make it as simple as possible, while also allowing flexibility for users. Towards this goal, there are two main locations you can set environment variables in an env file for your project, and three different file names you can you use for your env file.
You can name your env file any one of the following:
- .simbachain.env
- simbachain.env
- .env
- The first location you can place your env file is in the root of your project. This is where your package.json lives.
- The second place you can place your env file is in the location that you've set as SIMBA_HOME, in your system environment variables. So if in your system environment variables, you've set:
export SIMBA_HOME=/Users/johnsmith/somedirectory
Then you can place your env file inside that directory, and the plugin will discover it.
The plugins will first look inside the root of your local project for an env file, then they will look inside SIMBA_HOME.
There are only three keys and values you need to know about
- you can also set this in your simba.json, if you'd like
- the value will look something like:
- This is used for non-interactive commands, which use client credential flow for auth
- This is used for non-interactive commands, which use client credential flow for auth
For (2) and (3) above, you can obtain your client ID and client secret by navigating to your organisation and application in the UI, and then creating an ID and secret pair.
So as an example, in the root of your project, you would create a file called ".simbachain.env", and it would look like:
SIBMA_AUTH_CLIENT_ID=<insert your SIMBA client ID>
SIMBA_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=<insert your SIMBA client secret>
Please note that when running commands, you must be in the root of your project. This is where your package.json lives. If you try to run commands in a different directory, you will likely see unhandled error messages.
You do NOT need to manually compile your contracts. The SIMBA Chain Truffle plugin will automatically compile your contracts when you export them to the SIMBA Blocks platform. However, if you want to manually compile, you can. Please see the truffle documentation to get a full explanation on how truffle compiles smart contracts. Briefly, you will need to write your smart contracts and save them in the <project folder>/contracts/
folder and then run the following command to compile your smart contract:
$ truffle compile
You should see a message similar to the output:
Compiling your contracts...
> Compiling ./contracts/FishTracker.sol
> Artifacts written to /Users/abrinckman/dev/truffle/plugin-test/build/contracts
> Compiled successfully using:
- solc: 0.8.3+commit.9c3226ce.Emscripten.clang
NOTE : you need to have at least one app present in the SIMBA Chain org that you try to log into. This is because, to deploy a contract, SIMBA needs to know which app you are deploying to. You can create an empty app, which is sufficient, by going to the UI, logging into your org, and creating an app there. If you try to login without an app present, then the plugin will allow you to create an app from the terminal.
Once you have configured your simba.json file, you will be able to login. the Truffle plugin uses keycloack device login, so you will be given a URL that you can navigate to, to grant permission to your device. You will then be prompted to select the organization and application from SIMBA Chain that you wish to log into. To log in, simply run
$ truffle run simba login
You will then see something similar to:
simba: Please navigate to the following URI to log in: https://simba-dev-sso.platform.simbachain.com/auth/realms/simbachain/device?user_code=JPGL-RFRW
2022-05-16 02:17:02.236 INFO [KeycloakHandler.getAuthToken]
simba: still waiting for user to login...
Simply navigate to the specified URL and grant permission to your device, and you will be prompted to choose your organization:
? Please pick an organisation › - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
❯ CarNFTs
You will then be prompted to select your application, with something like:
? Please pick an application › - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
❯ testApp
There is also a non-interactive login mode. This mode is mainly for CI/CD, but you can run this login mode like a normal login command if you have a few environment variables set, and it will use a client credentials flow for login. You will need to set
- SIMBA_AUTH_CLIENT_ID for your client ID
- SIMBA_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET for your client secret
(please see Discovery of Environment Variables for directions on setting those variables)
To run login in non-interactive mode, you can run with org and app flag:
$ truffle run simba login --interactive false --org <myOrg> --app <myApp>
Or you can run with just the app flag, if you already have logged into an org before, and just want to switch your app:
$ truffle run simba login --interactive false --app <myApp>
If you already have an org and app set in simba.json, and want to use that org and app, you can just run:
$ truffle run simba login --interactive false
However, if you specify an org, you must specify an app. The following will throw an error:
$ truffle run simba login --interactive false --org <myOrg>
Once you have logged in, you will be able to export your contracts, which will save them to your organization's contracts (you can also think of this action as "importing" your contracts to Blocks). For this command, you can either run export without arguments, which allows you to select multiple contracts to export; or with the optional --primary param, which will specify which contract you want to export. To export without optional arguments, run
$ truffle run simba export
You will then be prompted to select all contracts you want to export to Blocks:
? Please select all contracts you want to export. Use the Space Bar to select or un-select a contract (You can also use -> to select a contract, and <- to un-select a contract). Hit Return/Enter when you are ready to export. If you have questions on exporting libraries, then please run 'truffle run simba help --topic libraries' . ›
↑/↓: Highlight option
←/→/[space]: Toggle selection
a: Toggle all
enter/return: Complete answer
◯ CoffeeERC721
◯ CoffeeUpgradable
◯ WatchERC721
◯ WatchUpgradable
If you want to specify just one contract to export, you can run:
$ truffle run simba export --primary CoffeeERC721
There is also a non-interactive export mode. This mode is mainly for CI/CD, but it can be run like any other export command. If you want to export all contracts that have compiled changes since the last time you exported, then you can export in non-interactive mode. Note that this will not export contracts that are strictly dependencies (eg OpenZeppelin imported contracts). To run export in non-interactive mode, run:
$ truffle run simba export --interactive false
After you have logged in and exported your contract, you will be able to deploy your contract. This step will generate the REST API endpoints that you can use to interact with your smart contract's methods, and save them to your organization and app. You will then be able to access those endpoints through either the SIMBA Blocks UI, or programatically through one of SIMBA's SDKs. To deploy, you have two options. First, you can run:
$ truffle run simba deploy
Running this command will allow you to select which contract you want to deploy from a list of contracts you have exported. Second, you can specify the primary contract you want to deploy by running:
$ truffle run simba deploy --primary <contract name you want to deploy>
If your contract's constructor takes parameters, then you will see the following prompt, asking you to specify how you would like to provide the values for these parameters:
? Your constructor parameters can be input as either a single json object or one by one from prompts. Which would you prefer? › - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
❯ enter all params as json object
enter params one by one from prompts
Then you will be asked to specify API name, blockchain you want to deploy to, offchain storage (AWS, Azure, no storage, etc., but this depends on what you have configured for your account), and the values for your contract's constructor, based on the way you answered the last prompt above:
simba deploy: gathering info for deployment of contract CoffeeERC721
✔ Please choose an API name for contract CoffeeERC721 [^[w-]*$] … CoffeeERC721V1
✔ Please choose the blockchain to deploy to. › Quorum
✔ Please choose the storage to use. › No Storage
? Please enter any arguments for the contract as a JSON dictionary. › {"ownerName": "Brendan", "poundWeight": 13}
NOTE: regarding your API name, this just needs to be a unique name containing alphanumeric characters and/or underscores. So if your contract is called MyTokenContract, consider giving your API a name something like MyTokenContract_v1.
And just like that, your contract is deployed! If you want to view information on contract deployments you've made through the plugin, you can go to your simba.json, where you will find info similar to what's found below. So if you need to reference any information, you can find it there.
"most_recent_deployment_info": {
"address": "0x2B9d4cD4bEc9707Db7fE42d107C0F2D180B3dA45",
"deployment_id": "5b041a32-f1c4-465f-80bf-52e76379f66c",
"type": "contract"
"contracts_info": {
"MetadataLib": {
"design_id": "f66163a7-63de-4d8b-98d9-12e72148341f",
"address": "0x69A48097c643CD9dCDc3574F406092a95A660678",
"deployment_id": "3c860020-d762-464c-a293-25caa23c3f63",
"contract_type": "library"
"CoffeeERC721": {
"design_id": "025e1161-c917-45f0-8a81-42180753da9b",
"address": "0x2B9d4cD4bEc9707Db7fE42d107C0F2D180B3dA45",
"deployment_id": "5b041a32-f1c4-465f-80bf-52e76379f66c",
"contract_type": "contract"
If you want to logout, then you can do so by running
$ truffle run simba logout
Doing so will delete your auth token in authconfig.json
This command is mainly designed to be used in the CI/CD process, but it can actually be used for many things. Regarding the CI/CD use, if you use CI/CD to export your contracts in the CI/CD pipeline after you push, then you'll need to update your project's simba.json after you do a git pull. This is because the plugin relies on the "source_code" field for each contract in your simba.json's "contract_info" section to know which contracts to export. So to get the most up to date version of your exported contracts' source code in your simba.json, just run:
$ truffle run simba pull
In addition to pulling source code for your simba.json, you can also use the pull command to pull the most recent versions of your solidity contracts from SIMBA Chain and place them in your /contracts/ directory.
A brief note on file structure is worthwhile here. By default, contracts pulled from SIMBA Chain will be written to /contracts/SimbaImports/ directory. If you would like to place pulled files in the top level of your /contracts/ directory, then you can pass the --usesimbapath false flag in your call.
A note on file names is also in order. Files that are pulled form SIMBA are placed into files named after the contract name. So if you have two contracts, token1 and token2, which both originally lived in OurTokens.sol. Then both of those will end up in files named token1.sol and token2.sol. This is done becuase, currently, contracts that are pushed to SIMBA Chain sit in a flat structure, without sub-directories.
Usually, you shouldn't need to do pull contracts from SIMBA if you have git pulled, but there may be cases when, for instance, you want ALL of your most recent contracts from your SIMBA Chain organisation, even ones that weren't living in your current project. In that case, you can run:
$ truffle run simba pull --pullsolfiles true
This will pull all most recent contracts from your SIMBA Chain org and place them in your /contracts/SimbaImports/ folder.
If you want to place your pulled contracts in the top level of your /contracts/ directory, instead of into /contracts/SimbaImports/, then you can run:
$ truffle run simba pull --pullsolfiles true --usesimbapath false
If you would like to interactively choose which .sol contract files to choose, in addition to auto pulling your source code for your simba.json, you can run:
$ truffle run simba pull --interactive true
If you would like to skip pulling your simba.json source code (though you really should not), you can set the --pullsourcecode flag to false. For example, the following command will only pull your .sol contract files:
$ truffle run simba pull --pullsourcecode false --pullsolfiles true
If you would like to pull your .sol contract files interactively, while skipping your simba.json source code pull, you can run:
$ truffle run simba pull --pullsourcecode false --interactive true
If you want to pull a specific contract's most recently exported edition, by name, from SIMBA, then you can run:
$ truffle run simba pull --contractname <your contract name>
If you would like to pull a specific contract version from its design_id, you can run:
$ truffle run simba pull --id <your contract design_id>
Contract design IDs can be referenced in your simba.json file under contracts_info -> contract name -> design_id. Contract design IDs can also be viewed by running:
truffle run simba viewcontracts
This command will return information pertaining to all contracts saved to your organisation on SIMBA Chain. Contract info includes: name, id, and version. For this command, just run:
$ truffle run simba viewcontracts
To choose a help topic from a list, run
$ truffle run simba help
And you will be prompted to select from a list of available help topics:
? Please choose which commmand you would like help with › - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
❯ login
Or you can pass the specific topic you want help with as an optional argument after the command by passing the --topic flag. For instance, for help with the "deploy" task, run
$ truffle run simba help --topic deploy
As indicated above, the available help topics are:
- login
- export
- deploy
- logout
- simbajson
- generalprocess
- loglevel
- pull
- viewcontracts
The Simba Truffle plugin uses tslog for logging / debugging. Setting a log level through this command will set a MINIMUM log level. So for instance, if you set the log level to 'info', then logs of level SimbaConfig.log.info(...) as well as SimbaConfig.log.error(...) will be logged. Valid values for log levels are 'error', 'info', 'debug', 'silly', 'warn', 'trace', and 'fatal'. You can either run this command without any arguments, which will allow you to set a minimum log level from prompt:
$ truffle run simba loglevel
And you will be prompted to selected a minimum log level:
? Please choose the minimum level to set your logger to › - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
❯ debug
Or you can set the specific log level from the CLI by passing the --level flag. So if you ran into a problem with contract deployment, and you wanted to trace the errors, you could set the logger to the "debug" level, you would call:
$ truffle run simba loglevel --level debug
If you pass an invalid log level, then the plugin defaults to "info".
A brief note here about deploying and linking libraries. You do not need to actively link libraries in this plugin. Once you have deployed your contract, SIMBA's Blocks platform handles that for you. All you need to do is make sure that if you are deploying a contractX that depends on libraryX, then first deploy libraryX. Then when you deploy contractX, the library linking will automatically be conducted by SIMBA. If you look in your simba.json after deploying a library, you will see a field for library_addresses (below) This field gets exported with other contracts, and is how SIMBA knows whether a contract needs to be linked to a library when it is deployed.
"library_addresses": {
"MetadataLib": "0x96E07C02A523f254E17F23Cd577f4518B0c9A855"
Adding libraries: If a contract that you are trying to deploy requires an external library that you did not deploy to SIMBA Chain, but you have the name and address of that library, then you can add the library by running the following command, which does not take parameters:
$ truffle run simba addlib
and you will then be prompted to specify the name and address of your library. If you want to specify the name and address of the library from the CLI, then you can run:
SIMBA Chain’s web3 plugins offer CI/CD support, so that when you push your git project, you automatically export all of your recently changed contracts in your project to your SIMBA Chain org. In this process, any contracts that you have made recent changes to will be compiled and exported to SIMBA Chain. If no changes have been made to your contracts, then nothing will be exported to SIMBA Chain.
To use SIMBA’s plugins' CI/CD functionality, you will need to be working with a Truffle project that has the SIMBA Chain Truffle plugin installed. Please see the following for more details on installing and using our plugins:
1.Acquire a client ID and secret from SIMBA Chain for step 4 (below). You can acquire a client ID and secret from the SIMBA Chain UI, by navigating to your org, then application, and then selecting “secrets” in the upper right hand corner of the page. 2. You will need to be working with a git project that supports CI/CD. The setup for different providers varies, but the directions for getting started with CI/CD in Gitlab are here: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/quick_start/ 3. You will need to configure two protected environment variables in your git service environment:
- Since these are protected variables, you will probably need to be pushing from a protected branch, regardless of your git service.
- You will then need to create your pipeline. In Gitlab, that means creating a .gitlab-ci.yml file. Your pipeline will look different, depending on which plugin you’re using. Here is what a pipeline for gitlab would look like:
image: node:16.14.2
- install_dependencies_and_run
stage: install_dependencies_and_run
- npm install
- npm install -g [email protected]
# following will use the organisation and application from your simba.json
- truffle run simba login --interactive false
# # if you always want to use the same org and app, then provide <org name> and <app name> below
# # but this approach only works if your 'organisation' and 'application' are set in simba.json,
# # which you can do by running 'truffle run simba login' before pushing
# - truffle run simba login --interactive false --org <org name> --app <app name>
# pull most recently changed contracts to simba.json:
- truffle run simba pull
- truffle run simba export --interactive false
The process for enabling CI/CD in your team’s workflow is very simple. We list the steps here:
- run git pull:
$ git pull
- run simba pull:
$ truffle run simba pull
this command ensures that your simba.json source code for each contract is up to date. To determine which contracts need to be exported, the plugin compares the source code it finds in your simba.json to the source code it finds in compiled artifacts. If there is a difference, then the plugin knows that a contract has changed and needs to be exported. Running simba pull is necessary because in CI/CD, exporting happens in the git service environment, so there is no way for your simba.json to be updated with most recent source code during export. So what simba pull does is retrieve that source code from SIMBA Chain and write it to your simba.json
You may notice above in the pipeline that simba pull is run inside the pipeline. This is as a precaution, in case you forgot to run in your local environment. It’s never a bad idea to include simba pull in your CI/CD pipeline, but it will make the pipeline run more slowly.
modify contracts as desired within your project
compilation of contracts is optional. The Hardhat and Truffle plugins automatically compile your contracts when exported.
run git push:
$ git push
And that’s it!
So if you were to make changes to a contract called TestContractVt6, then run git push, you would see in your pipeline job logs that this contract was exported to SIMBA Chain
This command allows you to view info from your simba.json, as well as auth token (with token redacted) from authconfig.json. The command takes two optional parameters: 'field' and 'contract'. If you run the command without any parameters:
$ truffle run simba simbainfo
then your simba.json will be printed in its entirety.
For the 'field' parameter, you can either pass the exact name of a simba.json field (eg 'most_recent_deployment_info'), or you can pass one of the following abbreviations: 'org' for organisation info, 'app' for application info, 'deploy' for most recent deployment info, 'auth' for authProviderInfo, 'contracts' for all contracts (this would be the same as using the --contract all flag), 'web3' for web3Suite, 'baseurl' for 'baseURL', and 'authtoken' to retrieve info for your current auth credentials from authconfig.json. As an example, to retrieve most recent deployment info, you should run
$ truffle run simba simbainfo --field deploy
For the 'contract' parameter, you can either pass the name of a contract, eg 'MyContract,' or you can pass 'all' to view info for all of your contracts in simba.json.contracts_info. An example of this call would be
$ truffle run simba simbainfo --contract MyContract
This command will retrieve and print the current path to relevant directories in your project: 'artifacts', 'contracts', and 'build'. Note that in Truffle projects, 'artifacts' and 'build' are the same directory. Simply run:
$ truffle run simba getdirs
This command allows the user to set the absolute directory path for a relevant directory in their project. Most users won't need this, but there may be cases in which you've changed your default directory for 'contracts' or 'build'. Note that you should not need this functionality in a Truffle project, and should only modify your directory paths if you REALLY know what you're doing. The model use case for this functionality would be if you're using a Foundry project that has been integrated into a Hardhat project. To set a new directory path, pass the -dirname and -dirpath parameters. Valid values for dirname are 'contract', 'contracts', and 'build'. Note that 'contract' and 'contracts' both refer to the directory named 'contracts'. So for instance, to change the absolute directory path for 'build' to '/myhomedir/dev/myproject/build/', just run:
$ truffle run simba setdir --dirname build --dirpath /myhomedir/dev/myproject/build/
NOTE: for windows users, if the path to your new directory contains "", then please make sure you're setting with single "" and not "\". So "path\to\my\directory" instead of "path\\to\\my\\directory"
Note that if you pass 'reset' as --dirpath, then the path to the directory specified in --dirname will be reset to its default path.
This command allows the user to reset a directory path for 'build' and 'contracts' to default settings for their project. To reset a directory path with this command, just pass --dirname, which can be any of 'build', 'contract', 'contracts', or 'all'. Note that 'contract' and 'contracts' both refer to the directory named 'contracts'. So for example, to reset the path to your 'contracts' directory, just run:
$ truffle run simba resetdir --dirname contracts
To reset both of 'contracts' and 'build', run:
$ truffle run simba resetdir --dirname all
This command allows the user to delete contract designs from their organisation. This command can be run with an optional 'id' parameter to delete a single contract, or it can be run without any parameters, which will allow the user to choose from prompts which contract designs they want to delete. To run with the 'id' parameter:
$ truffle run simba deletecontract --id <your contract design_id>
To run without parameters, and choose from prompts:
$ truffle run simba deletecontract