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feat: added new module data_tools to handle v2 ingestion/extraction
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cpeng-sig committed Jan 22, 2025
1 parent 4d7c7b6 commit 5c6d3d1
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355 changes: 355 additions & 0 deletions sigtech/api/data_tools/
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@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
import os
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry import Retry
from io import BytesIO
import requests
import pandas as pd
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger("datatools")

class DataTools:
Collection of utilities for data injection and extraction.
Custom Data interface:
* ``create_dataset``: Create a new structured or unstructured dataset.
* ``list_datasets``: Return a list of available datasets and their metadata.
* ``list_dataset_files``: Given a dataset identifier, return a list of the available files and their metadata.
* ``get_dataset_info``: Given a dataset identifier, return a dict containing all metadata available for the dataset.
* ``get_file_info``: Given a dataset identifier and a file identifier, return a dict containing all metadata available for the file.
* ``upload_data``: Upload data to the given dataset. If a string is provided, upload a file with that name and use the file
extension for the format type. If a DataFrame is provided, upload it using the format from the file's extension.
* ``get_data``: Given a dataset identifier, retrieve the available data. If a file identifier is provided, retrieve only the
specified file. If a file is not provided and the dataset is structured, retrieve all available data.
* ``delete_dataset``: Delete a dataset.
* ``delete_file``: Delete a file or multiple files from a dataset.
Strategy Deployment interface:
* ``list_deployments``: Return a list of available deployments and their metadata.
* ``list_deployment_executions``: Given a deployment identifier, return a DataFrame with all available executions for the deployment.
* ``list_deployment_outputs``: Given a deployment identifier and an execution identifier, return a Dataframe containing all available
strategy outputs.
* ``get_deployment_output``: Given a deployment identifier, an execution identifier and an output filename, return a Dataframe containing the
output data. If execution_id is not provided, then retrieve the output from the latest execution.
_RECORDS_PER_PAGE = 100 # Max numbers of records per page returned
_client_data_url = os.getenv('CLIENT_DATA_URL', '')
_sd_url = os.getenv('CLIENT_DATA_URL', '')
_ingestion_url = f'{_client_data_url}/ingestion/v2/datasets'
_extraction_url = f'{_sd_url}/extraction/v2/deployments'
_token = os.getenv('SIGTECH_PLATFORM_TOKEN')
_headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {_token}'}

_session = requests.Session()

# Configure retry logic
retries = Retry(
total=3, # Number of retries
backoff_factor=0.3, # {backoff_factor} * (2 ** ({number_retries} - 1)), so 0.3s, 0.6s, 1.2s
status_forcelist=[500, 502, 503, 504],
allowed_methods=["GET", "POST", "DELETE"]
_session.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))

def _send(cls, method: str, url: str, **kwargs):
if method not in ['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE']:
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported HTTP method: {method}. Allowed methods are 'GET', 'POST', and 'DELETE'.")

# Use the shared session with retry
if method == 'GET':
resp = cls._session.get(url, **kwargs)
elif method == 'POST':
resp =, **kwargs)
elif method == 'DELETE':
resp = cls._session.delete(url, **kwargs)

# Handle the response
details = resp.json() if resp.content or resp.text else None
if not str(resp.status_code).startswith('2'):
msg = '' if not details else details.get('message', '')
msg_fmt = f': {msg}' if msg else ''
raise RuntimeError(f'Client data service request failed with code {resp.status_code}{msg_fmt}')

return details

def _paginate(cls, url: str):
data = []
for page in range(1, cls._MAX_ITERATIONS + 1):
resp_json = cls._send('GET', url, params={'limit': str(cls._RECORDS_PER_PAGE), 'page': str(page)})
if len(data) >= resp_json['count']:
return pd.DataFrame(data).set_index(['id']).rename_axis(None) if data else None

def _df_from_pre_signed_url(cls, url, extension, date_cols):
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise RuntimeError(f'Client data request failed with code {response.status_code}')

binary_data = BytesIO(response.content)
if extension == 'csv':
df = pd.read_csv(binary_data)
for col in date_cols:
if col in df.columns:
df[col] = pd.to_datetime(df[col], utc=True)
elif extension == 'parquet':
df = pd.read_parquet(binary_data)
raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized file type: {extension}')
return df

def list_datasets(cls) -> pd.DataFrame:
""" Return a list of available datasets and their metadata. """
df = cls._paginate(cls._ingestion_url)
df = df.drop('ownerId', axis=1)
data = {'schema': [], 'owner': [], 'isStructured': []}
for dataset_id in df.index:
dct = cls.get_dataset_info(dataset_id)
return pd.DataFrame({**df.to_dict(orient='list'), **data}, index=df.index)

def create_dataset(cls, name: str, schema: dict = None, permission_level: str = 'write'):
Create a new structured or unstructured dataset.
:param name: Name of the dataset.
:param schema: Schema of the dataset. If not specified, the dataset will be considered unstructured.
:param permission_level: Permission level of the dataset. Available options are 'read' and 'write'.
if type(name) is not str or not name:
raise ValueError('Name must be a non-empty string')
if permission_level not in ['read', 'write']:
raise ValueError("Permission level must be 'read' or 'write'")
if schema is not None and type(schema) is not dict:
raise ValueError('Schema must be of type dict')
if schema and not all([type(i) is str for i in schema.values()]):
raise ValueError('Schema dict must contain all values of type string')
params = {
'name': name,
'permissionType': 'organisation',
'permissionLevel': permission_level,
'isStructured': True if schema else False,
'schema': schema,
cls._send('POST', cls._ingestion_url, json=params)

def list_dataset_files(cls, dataset_id: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
Given a dataset identifier, return a list of the available files and their metadata.
:param dataset_id: Dataset identifier.
:return: pandas DataFrame.
df = cls._paginate(f'{cls._ingestion_url}/{dataset_id}/files')
if df is None or df.empty:
return pd.DataFrame()
data = {'size': [], 'createdAt': [], 'owner': []}
for file_id in df.index:
dct = cls.get_file_info(dataset_id, file_id)
return pd.DataFrame({**df.to_dict(orient='list'), **data}, index=df.index)

def get_dataset_info(cls, dataset_id: str) -> dict:
Given a dataset identifier, return a dict containing all metadata available for the dataset.
:param dataset_id: Dataset identifier.
:return: dict.
return cls._send('GET', f'{cls._ingestion_url}/{dataset_id}')

def get_file_info(cls, dataset_id: str, file_id: str) -> dict:
Given a dataset identifier and a file identifier, return a dict containing all metadata available for the file.
:param dataset_id: Dataset identifier.
:param file_id: File identifier.
:return: dict.
return cls._send('GET', f'{cls._ingestion_url}/{dataset_id}/files/{file_id}')

def upload_data(cls, dataset_id: str, name: str, df: pd.DataFrame = None):
Upload data to the given dataset. If a string is provided, upload a file with that name and use the file
extension for the format type. If a DataFrame is provided, upload it using the format from the file's extension.
:param dataset_id: Dataset identifier.
:param name: Name for the uploaded file (optional if ``data`` is a filename).
:param df: DataFrame to be uploaded (optional).
extension = name.split('.')[-1].lower()
if extension not in ['csv', 'parquet']:
raise ValueError(f'Unrecognised extension for {name}. Available types are "parquet" and "csv"')
if df is None:
if extension == 'parquet':
df = pd.read_parquet(name, engine='pyarrow')
elif extension == 'csv':
df = pd.read_csv(name)
buffer = BytesIO()
if extension == 'parquet':
ext = 'application/octet-stream'
df.to_parquet(buffer, engine='pyarrow')
elif extension == 'csv':
ext = 'text/csv'
df.to_csv(buffer, index=False)
files = {
'file': (name, if extension == 'csv' else buffer, ext),
'name': (None, name),
cls._send('POST', cls._ingestion_url + f'/{dataset_id}/files', files=files)

def get_data(cls, dataset_id: str, file_id: str = None, date_cols: list = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
Given a dataset identifier, retrieve the available data. If a file identifier is provided, retrieve only the
specified file. If a file is not provided and the dataset is structured, retrieve all available data.
:param dataset_id: Dataset identifier.
:param file_id: File identifier (optional).
:param date_cols: List of column names that will be parsed as `date`, `time`, `datetime` or `Timestamp`.
(optional, it only applies to CSV files).
:return: pandas DataFrame.
dataset_dct = cls.get_dataset_info(dataset_id)
is_structured = dataset_dct.get('isStructured', None)
if is_structured is None or type(is_structured) is not bool:
raise ValueError(f'Client data request for dataset {dataset_id} failed: structure {is_structured}')
if not is_structured and file_id is None:
raise ValueError(f'Dataset {dataset_id} is not structured, please specify a file identifier')
params = {} if file_id is None else {'fileIds': f'{file_id}'}
resp = cls._send('GET', f'{cls._ingestion_url}/{dataset_id}/files/contents', params=params)
if not resp or 'files' not in resp or not resp['files']:
raise RuntimeError(f'Client data request for dataset {dataset_id} failed: no files available')
data = []
for file in resp['files']:
_url, extension = file['url'], file['fileExtension']
data.append(cls._df_from_pre_signed_url(_url, extension.lower(), date_cols if date_cols else []))
if len(data) == 1:
return data[0]
# Attempt collating the files: check all files have same columns
same_structure = all(df.columns.tolist() == data[0].columns.tolist() for df in data)
if not same_structure:
structure_dct = {dct['name']: df.columns.tolist() for dct, df in zip(resp['files'], data)}
raise RuntimeError(f'File structure mismatch for dataset {dataset_id}: {structure_dct}')
return pd.concat(data, axis=0)

def delete_dataset(cls, dataset_id: str):
Delete a dataset.
:param dataset_id: Dataset identifier.
cls._send('DELETE', cls._ingestion_url + f'/{dataset_id}')

def delete_file(cls, dataset_id: str, file_id: str):
Delete a file or multiple files from a dataset.
:param dataset_id: Dataset identifier.
:param file_id: File identifier. If the special string ``'*'`` is used, then delete all files.
url = cls._ingestion_url + f'/{dataset_id}/files'
if file_id != '*':
url += f'/{file_id}'
cls._send('DELETE', url)

def list_deployments(cls) -> pd.DataFrame:
""" Return a list of available deployments and their metadata. """
df = cls._paginate(cls._extraction_url)
df = df.drop(['userId', 'subStatus', 'failureReason'], axis=1)
return df

def _clean_data_resp(cls, deployment_id: str, ret: any, idx_name: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
if ret and 'data' in ret:
df = pd.DataFrame(ret['data'])
if 'id' in df.columns:
df = df.set_index('id') = idx_name
return df
raise RuntimeError(f'Metadata retrieval failed for deployment {deployment_id}')

def list_deployment_executions(cls, deployment_id: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
Given a deployment identifier, return a DataFrame with all available executions for the deployment.
:param deployment_id: Deployment identifier.
:return: pandas DataFrame.
ret = cls._send('GET', f'{cls._extraction_url}/{deployment_id}/executions')
return cls._clean_data_resp(deployment_id, ret, 'executionId')

def list_deployment_outputs(cls, deployment_id: str, execution_id: str = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
Given a deployment identifier and an execution identifier, return a Dataframe containing all available
strategy outputs.
:param deployment_id: Deployment identifier.
:param execution_id: Execution identifier. If not provided, then retrieve the latest execution.
:return: pandas DataFrame.
base_url = f'{cls._extraction_url}/{deployment_id}/executions'
url = f'{base_url}/{execution_id}/outputs' if execution_id is not None else f'{base_url}/latest/outputs'
ret = cls._send('GET', url)
df = cls._clean_data_resp(deployment_id, ret, 'outputId')
if 'name' in df.columns:
df = df[~df['name'].str.lower().str.endswith('.csv')] # csv files not supported by the deployment API (yet)
df = df[~df['name'].str.lower().str.endswith('.log')] # log files not supported by the deployment API (yet)
df = df[df['name'].str.lower() != 'results.json'] # JSON format of source SD notebook
return df

def get_deployment_output(cls, deployment_id: str, output_name: str, execution_id: str = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
Given a deployment identifier, an execution identifier and an output filename, return a Dataframe containing the
output data.
:param deployment_id: Deployment identifier.
:param output_name: Output filename.
:param execution_id: Execution identifier. If not provided, then retrieve the latest execution.
:return: pandas DataFrame.
exec_url = f'/{execution_id}/outputs' if execution_id is not None else '/latest/outputs'
url = f'{cls._extraction_url}/{deployment_id}/executions' + exec_url + f'/{output_name}'
data = cls._send('GET', url)
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
if df.index.dtype == 'object' and not isinstance(df.index, pd.MultiIndex):
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index, format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ", errors='ignore', utc=True)
for col in df.columns:
if df[col].dtype == 'object':
df[col] = pd.to_datetime(df[col], format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ', errors='ignore', utc=True)
index_columns = [col for col in df.columns if 'index:' in col]
if index_columns:
df = df.set_index(index_columns)
df.index.names = [i.replace('index:', '').lstrip() for i in df.index.names]
return df
except Exception as e:
exec_id = execution_id if execution_id else '(latest)'
raise RuntimeError(f'Output retrieval failed for deployment {deployment_id} and execution {exec_id}: {e}')
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion sigtech/api/datasets/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import fnmatch
import os
import fnmatch

import pandas as pd
import requests
Expand All @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
from sigtech.api.datasets.upload import upload
from sigtech.api.datasets.data_tools import DataTools

def get_session():
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,3 +222,5 @@ def __repr__(self):

def delete(self, dry_run=False):
delete_dataset_file(self.dataset_id,, dry_run=dry_run)

__all__ = ["DataTools"]

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