A complete React.js with Redux starter, complete with bootstrap styling.
This is the core stack we use at Clearwater Clinical for our web applications. Out of the box, there are a few things that this stack comes with that you might not get in other, more bare boilerplates. Here's what we offer:
- Working build and development modes for our webpack configuration.
- You also get the ability to define a prefix, in case you aren't storing your single page application at the root of your web server (most people aren't.)
- Bootstrap Sass already set up and building a separate CSS file with consistent nesting.
- Linting with an
already defined that closely follows npm-coding-style with few exceptions. - Comes with react 0.14, redux, react transform, and babel 6.
- i18next is included for translation/internationalization
You can clone or fork in repository and start building on it. Right now there is a demo on authentication and some page navigation.
Get all the dependencies: npm install
Start in development mode: npm start
Create a /build
: npm run build