Starlit customizes your Emacs to be deep blue with bright colors from a starlit sky.
in packages.el
: (package! starlit-theme)
in your config:
(setq doom-theme 'starlit)
Spacemacs automatically uses and installs starlit
when you add it to the theme list:
;; within your dotspacemacs/init function, set:
dotspacemacs-themes '(starlit
...other themes)
Starlit is available in MELPA and MELPA stable.
To install it:
M-x package-install starlit-theme
To load the theme on Emacs startup:
(load-theme 'starlit t)
Clone for example to ~/.emacs.d/themes/starlit-emacs
This path then needs to be loaded within your emacs config:
(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "~/.emacs.d/themes/starlit-emacs")
Alternatively, use this snippet to discover all theme directories in ~/.emacs.d/themes/
(let ((basedir (locate-user-emacs-file "themes/")))
(when (file-directory-p basedir)
(dolist (f (directory-files basedir))
(if (and (not (or (equal f ".") (equal f "..")))
(file-directory-p (concat basedir f)))
(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path (concat basedir f))))))
To load the theme, call load-theme
M-x load-theme RET starlit
You can change theme base colors by overriding values by customizing starlit-custom-colors
The base colors are defined in starlit-default-colors
in starlit-theme.el
Of course you can customize any other color too, or create a derived theme :)
Example to override theme base colors in your config instead of customize
(setq starlit-custom-colors
'(("current-line" . "#101114")
("background" . "#091422")))
(load-theme 'starlit t)
You can toggle if headings have a larger font size than normal text.
To configure this, customize starlit-scale-headlines
This change has to be applied before loading the theme.
To disable the header scaling outside of customize
;; disable headline scaling
(setq starlit-scale-headlines nil)
Yes it should look okay if your terminal supports at least 256 colors, although 32-bit color mode is needed to display all colors like intended.
The theme was tested successfully using the kitty
terminal emulator.
Since not all emacs modes could be tested and customized, some faces may still look ugly. Please report or fix them.
Everyone who contributed is likely listed here.
If you have questions, suggestions, encounter any problem, please join our Matrix channel and ask!
In case you didn't know anyway, you can report issues or - even better - submit pull requests.
This theme is distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or later. See the LICENSE and authors list.