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Caribbean trainings page template

This repository is a template to set up a website on github-pages that hosts all the content (step-by-step instructions, slides, code, recordings, photos, etc) for training workshops.

🚧 Under Construction 🚧

🚧 Everything below this line is under construction and not final 🚧


The repository is configured according to the following structure:

repository (caribbean-trainings)
├── config.yml
├── _includes
│   ├── head_custom.html
│   ├── head.html
├── lesson1/day1 ("intro-to-gis")
│   ├── lesson1/ ("")
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── .....
├── lesson2/day2 ("intro-to-remote-sensing")
│   ├── lesson1/ ("")
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── .....
├── ..... (other lessons/days)
├── images
│   ├── lesson1/day1-images ("intro-to-remote-sensing-images")
│   │   ├── file.png ("reflected-energy-radiation.png")
│   │   ├── .....
│   ├── lesson2/day2-images
│   │   ├── .....
├── partners
├── resources
└── photos

github desktop and external editor


repository vs website

Setup Instructions

Using this template

  1. Click on Use this template and then Create new repository to create a new repository for your workshop. Select the location, name, and description of the repository as you desire.

Alternative: If you are a member of the SERVIR-Amazonia repository, you can select it directly when creating a new repository:

Setting up the github-page

  1. To set up the github-pages, in your new repository, go to Settings and then Pages. Select the branch you want to use for the website. Usually it is main.

  1. Then, hit Save.

  1. Go back to your repository's main page, and click on the gear icon next to About on the right side.

  1. Under Website, check the option "Use your GitHub Pages website" and click on Save changes. Now you can see the URL on the repository's main page.

  1. Open it to see how it looks like at this first moment. It will look like the caribbean-trainings page.

The following changes will reflect how your github page looks like.

Customizing the repository to your training

  1. Update the file with the description of your repository.

  2. Update the config.yml file with the details of your workshop. The changes here will reflect on the website.

    1. For title, add the title of your workshop
    2. For description, add a short description
    3. The baseurl is the subpath of your site, e.g.: /NAME-OF-REPOSITORY. Add the name of the repository so that it matches the website URL
    4. The url is the base hostname & protocol for your site, You shouldn't change this unless the repository is not in the SERVIR-Amazonia github organization.
    5. For logo, you can add the name of a png file that contains the logo you desire. This file should be put under the images folder of your repository. Currently, the logo file is a png image that contains the SERVIR-Amazonia partners' logos. Don't change this if it is a SERVIR-Amazonia workshop.
    6. The remote-theme is the theme used for the github page. We use the Jekyll theme by just-the-docs but there are many more options. You can find more information about just-the-docs here: Don't change this unless you are planning to use another theme. Note that using another theme may desconfigure the format of elements on the website.
  3. Under the _includes folder, you will find two files. You don't need to worry about the head.html file. In the head_custom.html file, you can change the favicon that shows up next to the website description when you have the website open in a tab:

Currently, the file is SIG's favicon, but you can change it to your organization's favicon. To change it, update the file name in href="images/favicon.ico". Note: you will need to add a new file containing the favicon in the images folder, or replace the existing favicon.ico file if you intend to use the same file name.

  1. Got to the file and update the title according to your country or workshop/training.

  1. In the same file, the Questions, Feedback, and Workshop Recordings sections are buttons that link into specific Google Forms or Drive folders. Update the URLs appropriately - you will need to create new Google forms and folders in your Drive folder.

e.g.: Update the URL in [Give Feedback]({: .btn .btn-purple }.

  1. You can use the Tables Generator to update the workshop Agenda in the file (easier when you have a table already, e.g. on a doc or spreadsheet):


General github-pages template for the 2022-23 Caribbean workshops and beyond!







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