This manual assumes docker
is installed and set up properly on your device.
These instructions have been tested with the following configurations:
- Ubuntu: 20.04.6 LTS
Docker: 24.0.2, build cb74dfc
Clone this repository:
git clone
Navigate into the repository folder:
cd NaturalFuzz
Build the docker image using:
NOTE: Depending on how docker is configured, you may need to
docker build . -t naturalfuzz --no-cache
TROUBLESHOOTING: If the above command fails try restarting the docker service using:
sudo systemctl restart docker
Obtain a shell instance inside the docker container:
docker run -v $(pwd)/graphs:/NaturalFuzz/graphs -it naturalfuzz bash
NOTE: All following commands must be run on the shell instance inside the docker container
Navigate into the repository folder:
cd NaturalFuzz
The following is the template command for running any of the benchmark programs:
you may pass in the name of any scala file under src/main/scala/examples/tpcds/
after omitting the extension
We will show you how to run the tool for Q1. To fuzz Q1
for 5 minutes, run:
./ Q1 300 data/{store_returns,date_dim,store,customer}