This website is a replica of the widely known Tumblr. Made with passion by a team of six computer engineering juniors at Cairo University and serves as a school project for the software engineering fundementals course (CMP3030). You can visit the website at:
https://tumblr.socialNote that the frontend and backend server are deployed seperately. They're not guaranteed to stay there forever, these are the steps to run the project on your machine:
➤ cd tumblr_replica
➤ npm start
➤ npx json-server --watch data/db.json --port 8000 (to the mock server)
We're aware of a bug where after cloning, Github might not get the folder names correctly. If you get an error, Make sure that it's tumblr-replica/src/components/NavTabs/NavTabs and not tumblr-replica/src/components/NavTabs/Navtabs