$ bundle install
$ rails db:migrate
$ rails db:seed
optionally you can use
HMAC_SECRET: theSecretYouChoose
SENDGRID_EMAIL: YourSendgridSenderEmail
URL: http://localhost:3000 // the full url
HOST: localhost:3000 // could be your app on heroku
DOMAIN: localhost:3000 // could be heroku.com
APP_NAME: theName
ORIGIN: corsOrigin
$ rails server
Content-Type always required.
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Accept is not strictly necessary, but would be good to include
--header 'Accept: application/json'
Authorization required for most endpoints.
--header 'Authorization: token'
- New token: POST /login
- takes params
{ "user": { "email": "required, limit 255 characters", "password": "required, limit 140 characters" } }
- takes params
- Create: POST /users
- takes params
{ "user": { "handle": "required, limit 50 characters", "name": "required, limit 50 characters", "email": "required, limit 255 characters", "password": "required, limit 140 characters", "password_confirmation": "required, limit 140 characters" } }
- Index: GET /users
- Requires valid token in header.
- Show: GET /users/user_id
- user_id = the users id.
- Requires valid token in header.
Edit: PATCH /users/ID
- ID = the users id.
- Requires the token belonging to the user in header.
- takes some or all of these params.
- password, password_confirmation, and current_password fields are required to update password
{ "user": { "handle": "User", "name": "userName", "email": "[email protected]", "password": "foobar", "password_confirmation": "foobar", "current_password": "barfoo" } }
Delete: DELETE /users/user_id
- user_id = the users id.
- Requires the token belonging to the user in header.
- Create: POST /teams
- Requires valid token in header.
- takes params
{ "team": { "name": "required, limit 50 characters", "description": "limit 140 characters" } }
- Index: GET /teams
- Requires valid token in header.
- Discover: GET /teams/discover
- Requires valid token in header.
- Show: GET /teams/team_id
- team_id = the teams id.
- Requires valid token in header.
Edit: PATCH /teams/ID
- ID = the teams id.
- Requires the token belonging to the team owner in header.
- takes some or all of these params.
{ "team": { "name": "A fantastic team name", "description": "a short-ish description of the team" } }
Delete: DELETE /teams/team_id
- team_id = the teams id.
- Requires the token belonging to the team owner in header.
- Create: POST /team/team_id/projects
- team_id = the teams id.
- Requires valid token in header.
- Requires team to exist.
- takes params
{ "project": { "name": "required, limit 50 characters", "description": "limit 140 characters", "requirements": "limit 500 characters, can be stringified json" } }
- Index: GET /teams/team_id/projects
- team_id = the teams id.
- Requires valid token in header.
- Show: GET /teams/team_id/projects/project_id
- team_id = the teams id.
- project_id = the project id.
- Requires valid token in header.
Edit: PATCH /teams/team_id/projects/project_id
- team_id = the teams id.
- project_id = the project id.
- Requires the token belonging to the team owner in header.
- takes some or all of these params.
{ "project": { "name": "A cool name for the project", "description": "a short-ish description of the project goals", "requirements": "[\"does stuff\", \"must not do certain stuff\", \"does more stuff\" ]" } }
- Delete: DELETE /teams/team_id/projects/project_id
- team_id = the teams id.
- project_id = the project id.
- Requires the token belonging to the team owner in header.
- Create: POST /team/projects/project_id/tasks
- team_id = the teams id.
- project_id = the projects id.
- Requires valid token in header.
- Requires team and project to exist.
- takes params
{ "task": { "name": "required, limit 50 characters", "description": "limit 240 characters", "completed": "boolean, false by default", "duedate": "datetime, null by default", "completed_at": "datetime, null by default" } }
- Index: GET /teams/team_id/projects/project_id/tasks
- team_id = the teams id.
- project_id = the projects id.
- Requires valid token in header.
- Show: GET /teams/team_id/projects/project_id/tasks/task_id
- team_id = the teams id.
- project_id = the project id.
- task_id = the tasks id.
- Requires valid token in header.
Edit: PATCH /teams/team_id/projects/project_id/tasks/task_id
- team_id = the teams id.
- project_id = the project id.
- task_id = the tasks id.
- Requires the token belonging to the team owner in header.
- takes some or all of these params.
{ "task": { "name": "A name that accurately sums up the task", "description": "A descriptive description describing the task at hand", "completed": true, "duedate": ""2022-05-05T22:19:32.473Z", "completed_at": "2022-03-05T22:19:32.473Z" } }
- Delete: DELETE /teams/team_id/projects/project_id/tasks/task_id
- team_id = the teams id.
- project_id = the project id.
- task_id = the tasks id.
- Requires the token belonging to the team owner in header.
- Index: GET /users/user_id/memberships.
- user_id = the users id.
- Requires valid token belonging to the user in header.
- Show: GET /users/user_id/requests/membership_id
- user_id = the users id.
- membership_id = the membership id.
- Requires valid token belonging to the user in header.
- Delete: DELETE /users/user_id/members/membership_id
- user_id = the users id.
- membership_id = the memberships id.
- Requires valid token belonging to the user in header.
- Index: GET /teams/team_id/members.
- team_id = the teams id.
- Requires valid token in header.
- Show: GET /teams/team_id/members/membership_id
- team_id = the teams id.
- membership_id = the memberships id.
- Requires valid token in header.
- Delete: DELETE /teams/team_id/members/membership_id
- team_id = the teams id.
- membership_id = the membership id.
- Requires the token belonging to the team owner in header.
Create: POST /users/user_id/requests
This is used by a team owner to send a request to a user
user_id = the users id
takes params
{ "team": { "team_id": "required, integer team id, team must exist, and you must be the owner" } }
- Index: GET /users/user_id/requests.
- user_id = the users id.
- Requires valid token in header.
- Show: GET /users/user_id/requests/request_id
- user_id = the users id.
- request_id = the requests id.
- Requires valid token in header.
- Delete: DELETE /users/user_id/requests/request_id
- user_id = the users id.
- request_id = the requests id.
- Requires the token belonging to the user in header.
- user must be the sender of the request.
- Accept: PATCH /users/user_id/requests/request_id/accept
- user_id = the users id.
- request_id = the requests id.
- Requires the token belonging to the user in header.
- user must be the recipient of the request.
- Reject: PATCH /users/user_id/requests/request_id/reject
- user_id = the users id.
- request_id = the requests id.
- Requires the token belonging to the user in header.
- user must be the recipient of the request.
- Create: POST /teams/team_id/requests
- This is used by a user to send a request to a team
- team_id = the teams id.
- Index: GET /teams/team_id/requests.
- team_id = the teams id.
- Requires valid token in header.
- Show: GET /teams/team_id/requests/request_id
- team_id = the teams id.
- request_id = the requests id.
- Requires valid token in header.
- Delete: DELETE /teams/team_id/requests/request_id
- team_id = the teams id.
- request_id = the requests id.
- Requires the token belonging to the team owner in header.
- team must be the sender of the request.
- Accept: PATCH /teams/team_id/requests/request_id/accept
- team_id = the teams id.
- request_id = the requests id.
- Requires the token belonging to the team owner in header.
- team must be the recipient of the request.
- Reject: PATCH /teams/team_id/requests/request_id/reject
- team_id = the teams id.
- request_id = the requests id.
- Requires the token belonging to the team owner in header.
- team must be the recipient of the request.