Visualization tool for threat analysis
I created this tool to organize APT campaign information and to visualize relations of IOC.
There are already some great tools such as Maltego, MANTIS Framework created by siemense... Hiryu is less powerful than these tools, however, it can store mostly schemaless node and relation on local DB, and can use Neo4j GraphDB as backend.
- Redis
- Neo4j (Optional): confirmed version 3.4.7 works
Set up virtualenv and install python packages.
$ mkdir venv $ virtualenv -p python2.7 venv $ cd venv $ source bin/activate $ pip install django==1.9.2 celery[redis] py2neo==2.0.9 tldextract lxml pythonwhois ipwhois psycopg2-binary ioc_writer django_datatables_view cybox== stix== $ source bin/activate
Create Django Project and Install Hiryu
$ django-admin startproject myproject $ cd myproject $ git clone
Edit myproject/
1) Add 'Hiryu' to INSTALLED_APPS as follows: INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'Hiryu', ] 2) Edit DATABASES (e.g. postgresql) DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2', 'NAME': '<DB name>', 'USER': '<DB user>', 'PASSWORD': '<DB password>', 'HOST': 'localhost', 'PORT': '', } } If you'd like to use postgresql as backend, create DB for app. $ sudo -u postgres createuser -d -P <DB user> $ sudo -u postgres createdb -O <DB user> <DB name> Next, add following line to /etc/postgresql/xx/main/pg_hba.conf: local <DB name> <DB user> md5 # the line must be prior to local all setting. local all all peer Restart postgresql and confirm you can password login to the DB as the user. $ sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart $ psql -U <DB user> <DB name> 3) Change ROOT_URLCONF as follows: ROOT_URLCONF = 'Hiryu.urls' optional) If you'd like to use Neo4j, add NEO4J_AUTH settings as follows: NEO4J_AUTH = { "HOST": "localhost", "PORT": "7474", "USER": "<neo4j user>", "PASS": "<neo4j pass>", }
Create Django database
(You can use Hiryu/, but please edit the script to be suitable for your environment.) $ python makemigrations Hiryu $ python migrate $ ls Hiryu/fixtures/ | while read line;do python loaddata Hiryu/fixtures/$line/*;done
Start Django and Celery in project directory
Please make sure the redis-server is running before start up celery. $ DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='myproject.settings' celery worker -A Hiryu -l info -f hiryu.log -D $ python runserver