JC Rios is a facebook bot developed by MPOP Reverse II, it is designed to try to help to students for their activities in school and to get know if they want to know someone. JC Rios is also a bot where he/she can share an everyday bible verses that might help you to turn back your life to God and to Jesus Christ.
JC Rios was started to developed last weeks of January 2022. It was the project after the Front-end Editor project. It was originally named as Bhie Bot a virtual friend. JC Rios is named after our churchmate initials that leads into a logical name, wherein JC become Jesus Christ and Rios defines as river which pass and make a way into the lands.
The developer of this bot don't want to give any details regarding his personal life. Also, he don't want to ask for any credits if ever that people want to use his/her projects for personal or commecial use, as if they have must make the project as an open-source project to help students to their school works, specially to share some knowledge.
If you want to use the project for personal or commecial use, then, you're agreed with this terms and conditions.
-- Projects --
- Don't sell my projects, even you make some modifications, instead, give them my source for free and sell what's yours.
- Avoid giving me any credit. I don't like it.
- Respect my works, don't add any kind of pornographic contents, as if I didn't add it too.
- Help them to get the logic of my code if they asked you.
- Don't just copy and paste, learn its logic too specially the flow of the code.
-- Personal --
- Help others, for those who want to learn, and be a better coder and/or programmer, I wanna you to share your knowledge, this would be a great pleasure of mine.
- Never add and/or mention my name, from REAL ACCOUNT, up to DUMMIES, and also the HangDroid PH and MPOP Reverse II in any kind of platforms and media. Just give my name if they need help.
- Never give me any credits, instead do the first condition.
- Making me as an anonymous is a huge help for me, not to avoid them, but to avoid popularity.
- Thank me if you're done, or I'll helped you.
- Savador
- John Jeremy Antiguo
- Earl Shine Sawir
- John Paul Caigas
- John Roy Lapida Calimlim
- Mart Anthony Salazar
- Lester Navarra
- Jerson Carin
- Rovie Francisco
- LuanRT
- Schemavery
- VanBanLaNhat
- RapidApi
- Node Package Manager JS
- To all api used to this projects
- And to all testers and groups