A command line private information manager.
PManager helps manage your secret information securely. Private data is encrypted and stored in a secure manner. To access the data, set up and safely keep your own passphrase.
pm <scope>[:<index>] <key chain...>
pm -s <texts...>
pm -e[f]|-m[f]|-i|-c|-d[f] <scope>[:<index>] <key chain...> <value>
pm --move <source scope>[:<source index>] <target scope>[:<target index>]
pm --import [<file path>|<url>]
pm --export [<file path>]
pm --hashcode
pm --reset-passphrase
pm --config [<config key>] [<config value>]
pm --help|--version
[:<index>] The index number of the document under the <scope>. If omitted, all documents would be fetched in query mode, and the first document, i.e. index "1", would be selected in other modes.
-s, --search Search mode. Search for scope(s) containing key-value sentences by specified texts. All positional arguments are treated as a single string separated by a white space. Fuzzy matching is supported for searching.
-e, -m, --edit Edit mode. Modify an existing sentence in a document by specifying <key chain> and <value>.
-i, --insert Insert mode. Insert a new document into the specified <index> instead of editing an existing one. If specified, the flag "--create" would be treated as true anyway.
-c, --create Create mode. Create a new object and sentence if any key in <key chain> does not exist. A new document would be created if the specified <index> is out of range.
-d, --delete Delete mode. Delete a sentence by the specified <key chain>. An empty document and scope would be cleaned automatically.
-f, --force Under edit mode, force to overwrite even if any key in <key chain> points to an existing object. Under delete mode, force to delete even if the deleting target is a document or non-empty object.
-n <number> The candidate number to select on query or search mode when multiple entries are found.
-U, --no-fuzzy Disable fuzzy matching under query or search mode.
--no-parse-flag If specified, any flag occurring after the first non-flag input would not be parsed.
--move Move a document from one index position to another if <source index> and <target index> are both given. <target scope> would be created if not exist. The source document would be deleted first then inserted into <target index> under <target scope>. An empty scope would be cleaned automatically. If <source index> and <target index> are both not given, <source scope> is renamed into <target scope>.
--import Import data from local file or web source. If <file path> or <url> is omitted, read from standard input.
--export Export data to a file. If <file path> is omitted, write to standard output.
--hashcode Print hash code of data.
--reset-passphrase Reset encryption passphrase.
--lock Lock data immediately. The passphrase will be required to unlock.
--config List current configurations, set a user config entry by <config key> and <config value>, or reset a config entry by leaving <config value> empty.
-h, --help Print this help message.
-v, --version Print version number.
The "pm" command works under different modes based on the provided flags. If no flag is specified, "pm" works under query mode by default. It fetches the sentence <value> by the specified <key chain> under the provided <scope> and the indexed document.
Querying <scope> supports fuzzy matching. One <scope> can have multiple documents that are distinguished by the <index> value. A <document>, which is a top-level object, contains sentences which are key-value pairs. The <value> can be a string, or object that is nested. The <key chain> consists of keys separated by the white space that queries sentence <value>.
$ npm install -g pmanager
$ npm update -g pmanager
$ pm --help
$ pm scopeDemo