This GitHub repository contains OGC's multi-part standard for querying and retrieving maps on the web, "OGC API - Maps". The draft specification is available in HTML and PDF.
A Map provides a visual representation of relationships between things within a defined space. OGC API - Maps defines a standardized way to request information about a map, query a map's contents, and obtain an image of a map to serve multiple purposes (e.g. displaying maps in web pages, mapping software, etc.). OGC API - Maps also makes it easy to change parameters of the map at the time of request (e.g. size, coordinate reference system used).
OGC API - Maps is part of the suite of OGC API standards that define modular API building blocks to enable access and use of location (i.e. geospatial) information in a consistent way. Information about other OGC APIs can be found online.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The description in this can be older than the one in the standard draft. In case of discrepancy the standard draft takes precedence.
For later - Need to determine how to describe conformance and collections work in the context of OGC API - Maps. Possible text for the collections part is: Maps typically contain multiple types of information (e.g. buildings, roads, lakes, etc.), commonly known as "layers". In OGC API - Maps, "{collectionId}" or "coverage" is used to identify the individual layers a map contains.
OGC API - Maps is a standard API that provides maps representing geospatial data.
GET /.../.../map
Requests the default representation of the map. Additional options can be invoked to refine the information that is returned.
GET /.../.../map/{styleId}
Requests the map to be returned in a specific style. This allows you to define the appearance of the map to suit your needs.
GET /.../.../map/{styleId}?crs=CRS84
Maps use Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS) to define their position within a space (e.g. the Earth's surface). OGC API - Maps allows maps to be requested in any available CRS. This example will return the map according to the World Geodetic Survey 1984 CRS.
GET /.../.../map/{styleId}?crs=CRS84&bbox=160.6,-55.95,-170,-25.89
Maps can cover large areas. The Bounding Box (bbox) option allows you to specify the portion of the map you wish to obtain. bbox is defined using the CRS specified in the request.
GET /.../.../map/{styleId}?crs=CRS84&bbox=160.6,-55.95,-170,-25.89&width=600&height=400
Width and height allow you to define the resolution of the returned map.
After a while getting familiar and playing with the OpenAPI definition files (explained just below in the "Examples section"), we have finally started to write the standard. We have decided on an aggressive path towards a modular specification with a simple core and multiple extensions. The extensions are yet to be determined.
The standard is written using asciidoc using many files that might be difficult to trace. Please see the standard document as a single HTML page that is EASY TO READ here:
We received several recommendations to separate the specifications into a core and extensions. In March 2020, we decided to restructure the GitHub repository to separate the core and the extensions into different documents that might be elaborated at different speeds.
At this moment in time we are working on doing this separation by moving files around.
The definition of OGC API - Maps - Part 1: Core is the immediate next step. The Standards Working Group (SWG) agreed on the structure shown below.
Map resource: It specifies a map resource, which is a resource that contains information on how to formulate a request to a map. This document includes the CRSs and styles supported and other metadata (including attribution). It also specifies how to apply a style to a map resources to get a styled map.
DatasetMap - OGC API Common - Part 1 (dataset, /map resource at the root): Defines how to get a map resource from the dataset (or datasets) represented by the services. it will tell the path to get a map resources.
GeoDataResourceMap - OGC API Common - Part 2 / OGC Feature - Part 1 (collection connection, /maps resource after {collectionID}): It will define how to specify the a link to a map resource containing a representation of this geospatial data resource (path).
NOTE: GeoDataResourceSelection - together with 3, geodata= query parameters: This is identical to the GeoDataResourceSelection conformance class of OGC API - Common and if done adequately, the conformance class is shared with OGC API - Tiles (or the other way around) and is not repeated here.
- BBoxSubset: It specifies how to include a query parameter to subset a styled map using a BBOX, WIDTH, HEIGHT etc as a query parameters. This is a partition that could be input for OGC API Common. Some considerations include OGC API - Features BBOX, representation of Time instances, and Clip versus Intersect.
We foresee the following extensions (some of them may eventually become OGC standards and others might not). None of them has been started yet.
- StyleIds (Pending. In collaboration with the styles API. The only one necessary for the delta updates use cases)
- Map+resolution
- Info
- Collections (more than one)
- Collections-info
- Maps with styles on the fly (involving collections)
Those who want to just see the endpoints and responses can explore generic OpenAPI definitions in this folder (please paste one of them in the Swagger Editor):
Several implementations of the draft standard exist:
Implementations of the draft specification / demo services
OGC API - Maps follows on the footsteps of the OGC's Web Map Service (WMS) by enabling client applications to request maps of geospatial information on the web. However, OGC API - Maps is completely different from WMS, as OGC API - Maps focuses on a simple RESTful core specified as reusable OpenAPI components.
This is the CURRENT working version of this initiative. An Old version of the specification was a deliverable in Testbed-15.
IMPORTANT: Some examples of OpenAPI documents that are used as inspiration and test of this work are at:
The OGC API - Maps and OGC API - Tiles specifications are closely related and should be considered complementary.
An example OpenAPI definition, that describes hypothetical WebAPI conformat to this standard is available at A resolved (almost without dependencies with other files) YAML file, synchronized with the previous working document, is available in this github repository at:
Another example OpenAPI definition, that describes a service that can serve only map (raster) tiles of one or more collections, is available at
Several more examples are in the openapi folder. The files are structured such that they can be combined together.
Previous examples, some no longer accessible, are at
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Most work on the specification takes place in GitHub issues, so browse there to get a good idea of what is happening, as well as past decisions.
The contributor understands that any contributions, if accepted by the OGC Membership (and eventually the ISO/TC 211), shall be incorporated into the relevant OGC standards documents and that all copyright and intellectual property shall be vested to the OGC.
The WMS Standards Working Group (SWG) is the group at OGC that is responsible for the stewardship of the standard being developed in this GitHub repository, but is working to do as much work in public as possible.
Pull Requests from contributors are welcomed. However, please note that by sending a Pull Request or Commit to this GitHub repository, you are agreeing to the terms in the Observer Agreement