API for managing e-juice stock and steep
This is a very rudimentary version, but it works !
Technologies used :
Once you clone the project
- Execute it with
python ./server.py
And its done !
So far, you can :
- Check if the API's up and running
⋅⋅⋅curl http://localhost:5002/health
- Get a Json with all the juices (that sounds... weird) on your database
⋅⋅⋅curl http://localhost:5002/juices
- Get an specific Juice searching by ID (further I'll add a more powerfull search feature)
⋅⋅⋅curl http://localhost:5002/juice/1
- Post (add) a new juice !
⋅⋅⋅curl http://localhost:5002/juice/add -d "id=3&date_fabricated=2018-06-11 10:21:00&desc='Did it with curl !'&quantity=30&nic_value=3&date_steeped=2018-06-11 10:21:00" -X POST -v