Verification Procedures
When a change is made to the hand-written XSD (xsd/dr.xsd or the modules it imports), the following verification steps should be performed:
- Validate the new XSD using the Saxon and JAXB validators
- Use the new XSD to validate the instances in the test directory
- Use the new XSD to validate the instances in the auto-gen/dr-rnc directory
- Generate new instances using the config.xml settings in the xsd directory. The new instances will overwrite existing instances in the auto-gen/dr-xsd directory. Note: these new instances will usually need to be manually corrected due to truncation problems.
- Once these generated instance have been manually corrected so that they validate against the new XSD, validate against the RNC for the relaxed serialization. (Note: ignore or correct errors due to two occurrences of slotted rest variables "resl".)
- After pushing to Github (which will be cloned to the RuleML server within 5 minutes), validate the instances in the exa directory to confirm web-based validation against the new XSD.
When a change is made to the Relax NG schemas, the following verification steps should be performed:
- Validate the relaxng/indep_valid_modules directory to check that each module is individually valid.
- Validate the relaxng/dr directory to check that all drivers are valid.
- Use the new RNC drivers to validate the instances in the test directory
- Use the new RNC driver for the relaxed serialization to validate the auto-generated instances in auto-gen/dr-xsd
- Generate new instances following the procedure in auto-gen/dr-rnc
- Validate the new instances against the hand-written XSD (xsd/dr.xsd)
- After pushing to Github (which will be cloned to the RuleML server within 5 minutes), validate the instances in the exa directory to confirm web-based validation against the new RNC.