Rate-Me is a Librery for Android2.3+ that provides a Dialog for suggesting to the user a Rate the App. If the Rate is 4 or more stars, the Dialog goes to PlayStore You can see the source code and an application example
If the rating is 4 or more stars, the dialog just takes the user to the Google Play store. Otherwise, it prompts them to give feedback to the developer.
You can see the main class here and an integration example in this image:
Using the library is really simple, that example) allows you to know how to link the activity apps through a button. When you want to use this library you need choose the color of the title and the coor of body of the Dialog, and if you want a button to share the App
boolean showShareButton = true;
int titleColor = Color.BLACK;
int dialogColor = Color.GRAY;
Yo need a string in Values for configure the email data in your App, the custom email is : [email protected]
and then you send this variables to the Dialog in the method alertMenu()
private void AlertMenu() {
boolean showShareButton = true;
int titleColor = Color.BLACK;
int dialogColor = Color.GRAY;
DialogFragment dialog = DialogRateMe.newInstance(MY_PACKAGE_NAME, getString(R.string.email_address),
showShareButton, titleColor, dialogColor);
dialog.show(getFragmentManager(), "dialog");
normally use getPackageName()
instead of constant MY_PACKAGE_NAME = "com.androidsx.smileys".
This Library can be opened automatically by calling the method onStart in our project.
protected void onStart() {
final int launchTimes = 5;
final int installDate = 20;
new RateMeDialogTimer(installDate, launchTimes);
if (RateMeDialogTimer.shouldShowRateDialog(this)) {
The default criteria to show the dialog is as below:
- App is launched more than 20 days later than installation.
- App is launched more than 5 times
you can change this settings here