Thank you for taking time to do this home assignment!
In this assignment we ask you deploy the app uploaded in the frontend and backend folders.
The application's frontend should be public and the backend should not be. Please demonstrate the app autoscales and displays some level of autohealing.
Also, the app has tests. We like them to run of course :-)
Check out the back-end README here
Please implement the stories below using the following tech:
- Terraform
- Github Actions
- Kubernetes (EKS, AKS, GKE are fine)
- Docker
You can pick any provider (GCP, AWS, Azure).
We "grade" based on the following criteria:
- Did you implement according to the requirements?
- Readability is important to us.
- We look at your git commit log. It would be good if it shows us your process.
- Understanding your tactical decisions should be made clear.
- Your build pipeline.
- Your Dockerfile.
- Your Helm charts, if you use that.
- Any other scripts you use.
- Your sense of security and observability.