This assignment tests Back-end and Front-end development.
Thank you for taking time to do this home assignment!
The assignment asks you to do some simple things. The obvious implementation should be easy for you. What we're interested in seeing is what you know from experience to be not so obvious.
Imagine this has to run in production.
What, besides the obvious, do you believe is necessary? Please code it that way :-)
There are 2 parts to the assignment:
Please implement the stories below, including a few tests for the back-end, in one of the following languages:
- Back-end: gRPC, using Kotlin, Go.
- Front-end: gRPC, React.
You are free to design your own UI.
Or you can use this design:
We "grade" based on the following criteria:
- Did you implement according to the requirements?
- Readability is important to us.
- We look at your git commit log. It would be good if it shows us your process.
- Understanding your tactical decisions should be made clear.
As a car dealer, I want to browse the cars I have in stock and give purchase recommendations tailored to the needs of my customers.
More specifically,
- Given the year 2018, I should get the Citroen C3 and Honda Fit.
- Given the brand Citroën, I should get the Citroen C3 2018.
- Leaving the search string blank should return a list of all cars.
- I will enter the car's model, make, version, year of release, price, fuel consumption, and annual maintenance cost. The car will show up in the results returned by story #1.
As a car dealer, I want to recommend to my clients the car with the lowest total annual cost over a period of four (4) years, given the price of fuel (€/L) and the expected distance to travel each month (km/month).
Relevant car parameters are price of the car (€), fuel consumption (km/l), and annual maintenance cost.
- Given that I expect to travel 250 km each month for the next 4 years, and the expected price of fuel is 0.66 €/L, what is the ranking of cars according to their total annual cost?
Based on these stories, please do as follows:
Describe the architecture you will use and include a motivation of your choices. (max 500 characters)
You have a team of 3 developers. How would you tackle working together on the stories?
Can you describe 1 thing that can go wrong with your code once in production?