This project has moved. The new repo is here.
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Download and install Android Studio
Locate your AndroidStudioProjects folder. This is where Android will store all projects you create.
Clone this repository inside of your AndroidStudioProjects folder
git clone
Download RowanAcmAndroid.jks and acmProdKeystore.jks from Slack and save it to your computer, such as in Documents. Not in AndroidStudioProjects
Download and save it to /AndroidStudioProjects/ACMAppAndroid
Change storeFile and prodStoreFile to the path to RowanAcmAndroid.jks and acmProdKeystore.jks that you downloaded before. Ex. /Users/tyler/code/RowanAcmAndroid.jks If you are on Windows, replace / with \\
Now you will be able to open and edit this project. Make sure to authorize changes and commit them once you have reached a stable point in development.