Bukkit & Velocity plugin that helps with managing your server, provides a better gameplay environment.
All features can be enabled independently, and configurable.
Lang settings are supported, and will provide messages based on client locale. You have the ability to set the message location(chat, actionbar, title), and sound too!
Custom color scheme feature, allowing your players to choose a theme they like!
- AntiCommandSpamModule
- AutoReloadExtensionPluginsModule
- AutoRestartModule
- BetterEventMessagesModule
- BlockedCommandsModule
- ChatAntiSpamModule
- EsuChatModule
- ExploitFixModule
- ItemEditModule
- NetworkThrottleModule
- NewbieProtectModule
- SpoofServerSettingsModule
- UtilCommandsModule
- NetworkThrottleModule
- UserNameVerifyModule
Though this plugin already has some modules for use, it is still in the conceptual design stage.
We hope that this plugin will use the latest and best technology to facilitate the development.